now you can buy ERC20-Token in Bitpanda direct and act. But be careful: Not all of the Ethereum-based tokens are supported. Only selected projects are listed in the course of time. In addition, Bitpanda warns to send one-off Token to the crypto stock exchange. This Bitpanda announced at the end of July.

On 31. July reported the crypto exchange via Twitter:

“We are happy to announce that from now on, the trade of ERC20-Token in Bitpanda. From now on, we lists the selected Token, the requirements of our platform, .“

ERC20-Token, crypto-Assets, the run on the Ethereum block Chain. ERC20 the default, the Token has to meet in order to work on the Ethereum block Chain. This Standard is set by a Smart Contract.

early in July the Austrian trading platform, announced this step, too,

As the first are now listed on the Token 0x (ZRX), Augur (REP) and OmiseGo (OMG). So Bitpanda expanded its Portfolio of crypto-currencies, which can be purchased directly, from eight to eleven. Shortly before the announcement have already been added to Komodo (KMD) and Iota (MIOTA). This is in the sense of Bitpandas self-declared goal “to strengthen the crypto-industry as well as many crypto-currencies to be offered for direct purchase.”

currencies are to be added What other Digital in the future, is still unclear. Bitpanda has explicitly stated that they only want serious projects to support, which would require a thorough Research on the part of the Austrian stock exchange.

The warning before Sending an unofficial Ethereum-based tokens, however, is equally clear: “Please do not send any Token, we have no Wallet. The lost Token, we can’t replace you.“

Nevertheless, the stock market was “proud to have the technical basis for any future Coins.”

Bitpanda is one of the pioneers – other exchanges may follow

Currently, there are still a few major crypto exchanges, which is ERC20-Token support. Usually the user must therefore purchase the first one other digital currency such as Ethereum, or Bitcoin to trade then against the Token. With Bitpanda the direct purchase is now possible.

But probably the Austrian stock market remains with this step alone for long: Even Coinbase has already announced in March, to want in the future, ERC20-Token-lists – back is temporary, however, significantly behind Bitpanda.