The Chicago Board of options exchange CME price optimizes its spot Index for Ethereum. In addition to data from Bitstamp and Kraken, the stock exchange refers to from 15. July is also the itBit exchange rate index of the New York-based crypto-company to Paxos with. Market observers interpret this as a step in the direction of Ethereum Futures.

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so Far, able to participate in Events investors in the mainstream financial market only to a very limited extent on crypto. In addition to the Bitcoin Futures on two Chicago-based exchanges, there are hardly any opportunities to expand the Portfolio to Bitcoin. This is precisely why the scene looks with excitement to a possible Launch of Ethereum Futures on the CME (Chicago Mercantile Exchange). Finally, this would be currencies, another step in the direction of the legitimacy of Crypto.

A Launch of Ethereum Futures on the CME, the exchange is likely to be come closer. Because, as the Chicago options exchange reported on its Website, takes you to a further index into the program. In addition to already built-in, so-called Spot-Rate indices, such as those of Bitstamp and Kraken, the CME built-in from the 15. July is also the itBit-Index.

the aim of the measure is to come to a more reliable Kursindesx and any market manipulation to prevent. Because in the Wake of possible approval of an Ethereum-futures contract, the regulatory authority looks at the CFTC, with respect to the rate-Indexing exactly.

the recording of itBit in the ranks of the price to the supplier in connection with a possible Ethereum derivative on the CME, confirmed an anonymous source that is familiar with the industry, to The Block:

“I think this is the preparation for Ether-Futures “[The CME] will have to improve the robustness of their Index,” the report says.

CFTC signaled openness for Ethereum Futures

investors can invest in the foreseeable future, actually in Ethereum Futures, seems to lie well within the range of the Possible. Already in may of this year, a representative of the competent CFTC had confirmed to CoinDesk that it “looks favourably” on a possible Ethereum futures contract:

If an option stock market comes to us and has the intention to bring an Ethereum derivative on the market, there is a good chance that we will allow. If it meets our [regulatory] requirements.

Meanwhile, the trading volume of Bitcoin Futures on the CME reached a climax after the next. The largest futures exchange in the world, with headquarters in Chicago, is of week Futures week more Bitcoin. In June, the CME reported that the may 2019 was the most successful month for the futures contracts since the market launch in December 2017.

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