the It was relatively quiet at the second strongest Cryptocurrency Ethereum. After successful Hard Fork Constantinople a mysterious transaction generates media attention.

Max Halder
13. March 2019ETH$131,46 -1.54%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

It is one of the most expensive transactions in the history of Ethereum. The transferred amount of 0.1 ETH plays a subordinate role, if you look at the transaction fee of incredible 2.100 ETH, about 300,000 US dollars. The Sender of the transaction was apparently an employee of a South Korean Blockchain company. The recipient was none other market participants as the second largest Ethereum Mining Pool spark pool. The on 19. February payment made is in Block 7.238.290 and has since provided for discussions in the Kryptoversum.

How could this happen?

spark pool froze the mining fee on the 19. February immediately, because you already suspected an error of the transmitter. Anyone who has made a payment in the Ether, know, however, that the field of the mining fees will be automatically filled, you can often choose between low, average and high fee. As in the field of 2,100 ETH were able to get, remains a mystery. The statement that it was a “mistake”, is less than flimsy. The Internet appearance of the spark pool can be an imprint to miss, so the characters need to be enough on the home page, to speculate that it is in an Asian platform. With a market share of 22.3 per cent of the Mining Pool ranks slightly behind (27 percent).


In the further course of the initially anonymous channel six days later, on may 25. In February, an E-Mail to the spark pool sent. The identity of the sender to inform, said the Mining Pool, he should transfer a transaction in the amount of 0,022517 ETH, of the same address on the Wallet of the pool. Said and done – the payment was received on the same day. Spark pool for the identity and ordered the South Korean company. In the following negotiations, the two parties agreed to a halving of the fee, so the company got 1.050 ETH. The other half should be credited to the miners of the pool. After further Demands, the South Korean company paid a second amount of 0,666 ETH to the spark pool, and signed the transaction, to indicate that the 1.050 ETH arrived.

The owner of the said address, said after the final clarification:

Thank you spark pool and miners for your help, our losses back. We agree, half of the 2,100 ETH to the Miner to assign – as a token of our appreciation of your integrity.


The sounds in any case after a patron action. While the Blockchain may be companies happy to have anything at all to get back – this is the positive and far-reaching aspect of this story – but it still remains questionable how it is possible to store in the case of a payment of the equivalent of 13,30 US Dollar, with a loss of $ 150,000 for the rest. Evil tongues in the network suggests a simple publicity stunt. This would be the closer if the spark pool would be sitting in South Korea, and therefore, a degree of proximity to the said company. However, in decentralized Global players well is becoming increasingly difficult to find.

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