Vitalik Buterin, Cral Beekhuizen and Justin Drake, of your character, developers and researchers to Ethereum 2.0, in a so-called AMA questions from the Community. It was above all the unresolved questions of a technical nature and, of course, to income-earning opportunities by means of Coin Staking in the course of Proof of Stake.

16. July 2019ETH$216,20 -5.97%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

AMAs (Ask me anything about “ask me what you want”) are considered to be Reddit’s king discipline. Over a predetermined period of time personalities of interest to the Community and look forward to usually a number of questions. Yesterday, Monday, the 15th. July, hosted Ethereum such an AMA Event. The focus of the Protocol status Update on Ethereum 2.0.

When ETH 2.0, Sir?

“It’s a Release Date for January 2020 in space. You guys think this is realistic?“, wanted to about “DCinvestor” know – and met with the question of the start date for Phase Zero, apparently a nerve. Because with 40 karma points, the Community has settled the question in the second place, so that Carl Beekhuizen, in his capacity of researchers to the ETH 2.0, came but, to answer you immediately:

The introduction at the beginning of next year is my personal goal, but there is still much to do! We need: long-running test networks […], the formal Verification of the Deposit Contracts and the Clients have to be willing to, but at the Moment it looks like everything would come in time. We also want to urge any Developer to develop the faulty Software, just to be at any time ready.

In other words: A starting Phase of Zero at the beginning of 2020 is possible, but unlikely.

a Lot of Technical here,

For the layman, the AMA is likely to be a little productive. Finally, the Ethereum Community nailed the Team of developers around Wunderkind Vitalik Buterin on the technical intricacies of the Protocol. The Whole thing culminated would have then, in the following question, the User “purple hamster” like to answered:

Comment from discussion purple hamster’s comment from discussion “[AMA] We are the Eth 2.0 Research Team (Pt. 2)”.

The answer of Ethereum inventors Buterin himself, refers to a quantitative reduction in lines of source code:

Comment from discussion vbuterin’s comment from discussion “[AMA] We are the Eth 2.0 Research Team (Pt. 2)”.

Concrete Justin Drake of Ethereum makes it a “Phase 0 is about 1024 lines of code long.”

Proof of Stake “in Aller Munde”

It is considered to be a done deal: Ethereum differs from the Proof-of-Work algorithm and want to implement it as currently the only Top 10 Coin Proof of Stake (PoS). As we had reported in this place, tested Prysm Labs, the new Consensus is already in a Testnet. The Code is considered finished.

Apparently, the scene employed in relation to PoS in the first place, the sanction measures will be imposed for misconduct. So for example, “Crackorjackzors want to know,” what is the so-called Slashing, and what happens when validators cheat.


If you’re going to the Validator, it means Slashing the ETH-2.0-network can take away behind put ETH in the event of misconduct. Misconduct, for example, the following would be:

You’re an attacker and trying to attack the network.Your Node is offline for a significant time.Your Validator Client is faulty.

will Also need to put in the minimum amount of 32 ETH, the equivalent of about 6,400 Euro, the Staker behind, nothing will change. This has confirmed Buterin in the AMA again:

Unfortunately, no. It would be too time-consuming, if the network allows too many Validators.

All of this water is likely to be on the mills of the PoS-critics accuse the consensus algorithm a slope to a lack of decentralization.

The entire AMA can be found under this Link.

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