Ethereum Creator Vitalik Buterin sees for the crypto space, no room for four-digit growth figures. The Knowledge of the Blockchain is widespread already. Now is the time to convince the crypto-interested by practical applications.

Vitalik Buterin doubt that any crypto is to capture currency price increases of several Thousand percent. This assessment of the 24-year-old co-founder of the Ethereum platform on 8. September to Bloomberg. On the occasion of the Ethereum Industry Summit in Hong Kong.

“The Blockchain-the room is just to the point where a ceiling is in sight,”

the programmer said and reasoned that the word “Blockchain” for fewer and fewer people is a foreign word.

“If, in the meantime, with an average educated Person has probably heard at least once of the Blockchain. There is no way for another to 1,000-fold growth.“

The growth of Bitcoin & co. had been in the last few years, mainly by the factors of the Marketing and enlargement of the acceptance. This strategy is more of a cul-de-SAC, Buterin.

You must now take crypto to the target, people interested in involve even more in the technology. To do this, there is a need for applications that make the naked interest in active participation in the crypto-Economy.

millionaires are able to wait

For Buterin the development of functional dApps (decentralized applications) is more important than the speculation about the entry of institutional investors in the crypto space. These currently have a significant influence on the course of curves of Bit – and Altcoins. Only last week, it came after a false report about Goldman Sachs’ alleged abandonment of its plans to set up a crypto-Trading Desks to massive price drops.

Buterin is a little on the speculation about Bitcoin ETFs and other investment vehicles, which would be belching institutional investors, the door to the crypto room.

“I really don’t think this stuff is important. There is honestly a part of me that would be happier, if the institutional trading of crypto currencies in five years would take place,“

he admits. And at the end of the idealists by lightning:

“If crypto-currencies is only something that millionaires are selling to each other, what we have achieved then?”

I have nothing to add.