He denounces an “unprecedented departure from his duties” and believes that on Monday in his appearance he will “probably” say that he is staying
The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, accused this Wednesday the head of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, of “victimizing himself”, “muddling and polarizing even more” Spanish political life, and trying to “activate and mobilize” the PSOE before the elections Catalan on May 12 and European on June 9. After denouncing an “unprecedented dereliction of duties” for canceling his agenda, he has predicted that on Monday at his appearance he will confirm that he remains in La Moncloa.
This is what he said after this afternoon Sánchez announced by surprise that he was retiring for a few days to reflect on the investigation opened in court against his wife, Begoña Gómez, for an alleged crime of influence peddling and corruption in business by relations with several companies that later received public awards. In the letter addressed to the citizens that he posted on the social network ‘X’ he added that on the 29th he will say whether or not he continues as President of the Government.
In an interview on Onda Cero, which was picked up by Europa Press, Feijóo reproached Sánchez for having “not said anything” in Congress about the information published and, in the afternoon, having written “a multi-page letter slandering and defaming” to people like him and to the media.
In his opinion, this had “never happened in Spanish democracy” and he has confessed that what bothers him most is that he wants to “polarize Spanish politics so that citizens believe that all politicians” are “equal.” “And no. I do not have problems with Justice. The one who has them is the PSOE, the Government and Mr. Sánchez’s entourage,” he stated.
Feijóo has criticized that Sánchez “holds the opposition responsible” for the fact that “the judges have been acting for more than a year”, alluding to the so-called ‘Koldo case’ being investigated by the National Court, which arrested around twenty people in February. people.
Next, he indicated that today they learned that a judge has opened proceedings on a complaint “filed against alleged irregular activities of his wife” and yesterday they learned that a French magistrate believes that “they should continue investigating what is inside the Spanish Prime Minister’s cell phones”.
A few hours before the campaign for the elections to the Parliament of Catalonia begins, the head of the opposition has accused Sánchez of “victimizing himself from a collusion of the opposition and the media”, “saying that it is a political problem when It is a judicial problem” and “polarize and muddy political life even more.” “And, I understand, to activate and mobilize his party before the Catalan and European elections,” he added.
What’s more, after Sánchez has announced that he is canceling his agenda to reflect on its continuity, he has stressed that he is making a “resignation of functions without any type of prior precedent.” He has also expressed concern about the fact that Spain is already “in the international press.” “I have never seen this in my life,” he proclaimed.
Feijóo has stated that the President of the Government, “if he really wants to protect his family, he must give a public explanation” for the information that is becoming known instead of “taking letters to the citizens.” “This is irresponsibility, a frivolity unbecoming of a president of the Government of the European Union,” he added, to also disfigure his “doses of narcissism and infantilism unbecoming of a mature person.”
The PP leader asked Sánchez if “he has nothing to fear, why doesn’t he explain?” “If your wife is summoned, assuming that she is, in a court and has nothing to hide, let her go to court and have her honorability made clear, which is what happens to any Spaniard who is summoned in a judged,” he added.
Next, Feijóo highlighted that “none of the wives of any President of the Government has been involved in the situation in which Mr. Sánchez and his partner find themselves.” “None, from any president,” he reiterated.
Before the appearance on Monday of the President of the Government to announce whether or not he will continue as president, Feijóo has predicted that, after the “shows of affection and unconditional support”, he will “probably” say that he is staying to “stop the right and the extreme right”, although at the same time it “annoys” the campaign for the rest of the parties and “further muddies” Spanish politics.
However, and given the possibility that there could be elections in July, Feijóo has recognized that “that hypothesis also exists”, especially when, as he has said, there are no General State Budgets and these months have only focused on the processing of the amnesty law.
Furthermore, he said that we must wait for the Catalan elections because “either Puigdemont is president of the Generalitat or Sánchez can stop being president of the Government of Spain.” In his opinion, in this “totum revolutum” and “seeking victimization” and “polarization”, “perhaps” this thesis of an electoral advance is possible.
Feijóo has stressed that he has been asking Sánchez for explanations for weeks and has not given any regarding his wife’s activities, reiterating that he has already said that he does not want to call her to appear before the Senate investigation commission. That said, it has been criticized that the Government did dedicate itself to “slandering him and his partner” from “the blue bench” when it became clear that “it was defamation.” “And no one in the Government apologized to me,” he added.
Furthermore, he has criticized the fact that the Congressional investigation commission on the purchase of medical supplies is asking his sister for “the income tax return for the last five years”, as well as “a brother” of his partner.
That said, he added that today he has not released the information about Begoña Gómez in the control session because he understands that “this issue is very delicate” and he is interested in “clean politics.” “What the President of the Government intends is to equate me with his way of doing politics, and no, we are very different, we are very different,” he assured, to reiterate that he “does not want to call her” to appear in the Senate and will continue “trying until the last moment” that Sánchez offers clarifications.
Feijóo has stated that “in the mud” he is “beaten by Pedro Sánchez”, given that he is trying to “prestige” Spanish politics a little. “Since he arrived, he has moved in the mud, in the mud to obtain the General Secretariat of his party. In the mud so that he would not have to resign, because the people in his party wanted him to leave,” he said. manifested.
Finally, the president of the PP has insisted that “the one who has a judicial problem” is the PSOE and the president, therefore, all this “is not a political issue” but “a fundamentally judicial issue.”