Expresses its support for the demonstration of associations against Sánchez but asks politicians “not to patrimonialize it”


The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has expressed this Friday his support for the demonstration against the government’s policies that more than a hundred associations promote this Saturday in Madrid, but has asked the political formations not to “patrimonialize” it. Having said this, he has criticized that the head of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, has equated the independence protest in Barcelona with the constitutionalist mobilization in Madrid, something that, in his opinion, shows that he lives in “a dream world” and “dreams”.

This has been pronounced in statements to the media during his visit to the international tourism fair (FITUR), after Sánchez compared, during the Spanish-French summit in Barcelona, ??the pro-independence protest that took place in Barcelona with the one will take place this Saturday in Madrid, assuring that “the vast majority” of Spaniards is between the two.

“To say that a pro-independence demonstration is the same as a constitutionalist demonstration, the president, I believe, lives in a world that seems to most Spaniards to be a dream world, a world of dreams, a world that does not exist,” he exclaimed. Feijóo.

The leader of the PP has stressed that “a demonstration in favor of independence, the division and separation of a part of Spanish territory cannot be equated with a demonstration in favor of the integrity of Spanish territory and in favor of the Constitution”. “But how is a demonstration against the Constitution going to be the same as a demonstration in favor of the Constitution”, he has abounded.

In this sense, he has affirmed that he “can only suspect that” either the President of the Government “does not know what is happening” in Spain or they have a president “who does not care about everything”, so that “A or B does not matter to him, he does not care about adding or subtracting and he does not care about going up or down.”

“The PP is in favor of the Constitution, democracy and freedom and, for Mr. Sánchez, Constitution, democracy and freedom is the same as independence. Thus it is very difficult to be able to maintain a constitutional project in our country”, declared the head of the opposition to the media.

In addition, Feijóo has criticized that the President of the Government “thanked” the President of the Generalitat for his presence at the Spanish-French summit despite the “snub” of Pere Aragonés, who left earlier to “not hear” the Spanish national anthem and from France.

Immediately afterwards, the president of the Popular Party has apologized to the president of the French Republic for this “improper discourtesy” by Aragonés in Barcelona and has indicated that “listening to Sánchez thanking him is a symptom of his cynicism.”

When asked why he did not attend this demonstration of the associations against Sánchez’s policies, Feijóo explained that it is not a mobilization “organized by the Popular Party” but rather promoted by “different associations and civil society organizations” to the that their formation “has received” and has transferred their “support” to the call in Cibeles because “they will always be in favor of democracy, the Constitution and freedom.”

“There is unequivocal support from the PP for the civil society demonstration and I understand that it is not a demonstration that politicians have to patrimonialize but that they must support the political formations that share it,” he declared. In this sense, Feijóo has assured that , according to this criterion, the PP “shares and supports” the manifestation of the associations but “the protagonists” are the people of civil society, who “go out to demand democracy, Constitution and freedom”.

“The logical thing is that we would be representatives of all the parties and of all of us who believe in the Constitution, in freedom and of those who believe in democracy. There are parties that do not support them, they will know why,” he pointed out, in allusion to the Socialist Party and Podemos.