The leader of the PP puffs up his economic management and his majorities in Galicia, and asks Sánchez to call elections “if Spain is doing so well”
The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, regretted this Saturday that “the three parties” of the central government – in reference to PSOE, Podemos and Sumar, which he has called “Podemos 2” – are dedicated to “disqualifying” he and his party despite “saving them from the biggest legislative botch” that was the law of ‘only yes is yes’.
This is how the popular leader has used it in his speech before thousands of attendees at a popular pilgrimage organized in O Pino by the provincial PP of A Coruña, from where he has ironized that now, after the candidacy launched by Vice President Yolanda Díaz, the Executive of Pedro Sánchez now have “three” parties: “the PSOE, Podemos 1 and Podemos 2”.
In this context, Feijóo has criticized that the “biggest political initiative” of this government right now is to “disqualify” the PP despite the pact reached with the Socialists to reform the law of ‘only yes is yes’, the effects of which “Spain will not forget never”.
“It is proof of the cardboard feminism of the PSOE, Podemos 1 and Podemos 2, who say they defend women and leave them unprotected,” he said.
In his speech before thousands of supporters and popular affiliates who have attended this lunch-meeting, including a festival, at Carballeira da Madalena, Feijóo has rejected the block policy that seeks to “fragment and divide society.”
Faced with this, he bets that “the blocks intermingle with each other to raise the country” and “the neutrality and independence of the institutions be recovered”, as well as “respect between politicians and between politicians and the people”.
“Less ‘me, me, me’ and more ‘everyone, everyone, everyone’. Less ‘me’, less self-centeredness and more people, more everyone,” he exclaimed.
In another order of affairs, Feijóo has questioned the 183,000 homes announced by Sánchez, when “first”, at the beginning of the mandate, “there were 20,000”. “It is the miracle of the fish and the floors to which he has accustomed us,” he added.
The leader of the PP has given as an example the measure approved last week by the Xunta, to “guarantee 20 percent of the mortgage credit to young Galicians who want or can buy a home.” “Why doesn’t the Government of Spain do that?”, He has asked himself.
It has also set Galicia as an example in terms of education and health management. On this last field, he has slipped the strikes that are going through the hospitals of Ceuta and Melilla, “the only ones” that are directly managed by the Ministry of Health.
And in economic terms, the leader of the PP has lamented that the Government “presumes” the “highest inflation in recent years”, as well as the rise in mortgages and fuel, while the collection through taxes is ” of record”.
“We pay more taxes than ever to pay the same. They (the Executive) have more money than ever and the people have less money than ever. It is the most expensive government in history at the time of the greatest crisis for families,” he attacked. .
Thus, he has taken the opportunity to poke his chest out of his time as president of the Xunta de Galicia: “Here we have lowered taxes, we have met the deficit and we are the autonomous community with the lowest increase in debt in 2009.”
“Look at the things that Mr. Sánchez could learn if he comes to Galicia not to insult, but to see how Galicians vote freely and it is the government most supported by the people in all of Spain, with 48 percent of the vote,” he said. wielded, to remember his last absolute majority achieved in the regional elections of 2020.
“If Sánchez looked at Galicia, he would learn what a majority government led by a party that has no other objective than to serve the people is,” he added.
In fact, the questioned that “the 22 ministers” of the state Executive regularly visit the Community to “criticize Galicia.” “Nothing happens, most Galicians do not know who they are because they change constantly and continuously. Mr. Sánchez has appointed 42 ministers in five years,” she ironized.
In addition, he has reiterated the request for general elections as soon as possible. “If Spain is doing so well, the CIS says that the PSOE is going to get off the map in the elections… Why is this Feijóo so bad? That they call the elections now and we do them all on May 28, the municipal and general ones, and thus we save six months of legislature,” he proclaimed.
The opposition leader believes that Sánchez is not calling them because, he has asserted, “nor do they believe what they say” and “they are nervous” because they know that the popular ones are “going to win again.”
“We are going to achieve it together. A Coruña has never failed me, it has given me absolute majorities. Galicia will not fail and will give us the Government. Long live O Pino, long live A Coruña, long live Galicia and long live Spain!”, he concluded, not without committing to return to this pilgrimage “as president of the Government of Spain.”