He assures that the PP supported the mobilization of Madrid but has not “appropriated” it, alluding to Vox


The leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, considers that the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, is “lost” and “disconnected” from reality for comparing the independence protest in Barcelona last Thursday with the constitutionalist demonstration that took place this Saturday in Madrid against the policies of the Government. In addition, he has affirmed that the PP supported the Madrid concentration but “has not appropriated it”, alluding to Vox.

This was pronounced upon his arrival at the presentation ceremony of the PP provincial mayoral candidates held in Madrid, when asked about Sánchez’s words, once again equating these two mobilizations and accusing the protesters of calling for Madrid to defend a “uniform and exclusive Spain”.

The massive demonstration this Saturday, called by more than a hundred associations and civil society groups in Madrid’s Plaza de Cibeles, brought together more than 31,000 people -according to figures from the Government Delegation-, who gathered to protest against Pedro Sánchez, his “Government of lies and dark pacts” and “the political drift that Spain has taken”.

In statements to the media, Feijóo has said, after those words by Sánchez, that he has the feeling that the head of the Executive is “a bit disconnected from reality” because “comparing once again a demonstration in favor of the Constitution with a demonstration against the Constitution is to be a bit lost”.

Having said this, the leader of the opposition -who attended this event accompanied by the Madrid president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and the mayor of the capital, José Luis Martínez-Almeida- has advised Pedro Sánchez “to have a little more contact with reality”.

When asked why he preferred not to attend that demonstration in Madrid, which was attended by the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, Feijóo has indicated that it was not a mobilization that the PP had called but that his formation supported it. “They are two different things,” he added.

Having said this, he has indicated that a civil society demonstration “what it wants is for citizens to go, not for politicians to appropriate it.” “For this reason, we have supported it but we have not appropriated it. The people who wanted to take to the streets came out and PP leaders also did it, but it is a demonstration of the citizens,” he declared.

The president of the Murcia PP, Fernando López Miras, has also ruled on this comparison of Pedro Sánchez, who has stressed that there is no comparison and has stressed that the Madrid march was a “success”. “That comparison has neither head nor tail,” he declared.

According to López Miras, Sánchez and his government “every two days promote a different scandal than the Spanish” and they no longer have time to react because “one scandal covers another” and this, in his opinion, must stop now.