Steven Nerayoff and Michael Hlady must be brought before a U.S. court. With its ICO-consulting firm, they threatened two people in order to destroy your company. And received at least 10,000 Ether (ETH).

By Phillip Horch
24. September 2019BTC$9.527,84 -3.56%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Ether (ETH) is the Blockchain, the basis of the Ethereum. With Smart Contracts, the “smart contracts”, it made especially in the year 2017, many young companies, to Finance themselves by currencies of their own Crypto out could give. These tokens they collected in Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs). Its an advantage and a disadvantage: It is an unregulated Form of capital collect. On the one hand, this facilitated the ability of capital to collect. On the other hand, in a row, fraudsters attracted to it. But both sides benefited from the ICO-Hype.

Steven Nerayoff: Suspected ICO-inventor & ICO-adviser

Thus, Steven Nerayoff. On his website the entrepreneur to be instrumental in the invention of the ICOs involved. In addition, he is said to have the Blockchain projects, Ethereum, CasperLabs, tZero, Lisk and AION worked. According to its own information, i.e., a dazzling figure in the Bitcoin Ecosystem. A recent court document casts a shadow on the spotlight, in which the entrepreneur is positioned.

According to the document Nerayoff to be have been due to a blackmail in the ICO area involved. Together with Michael Hlady, he founded, therefore, first of all, the ICO consulting company, Alchemist. Nerayoff was the managing Director (CEO), Hlady as Chief Operations Officer (COO).

entrepreneur, was as a member of various secret services from

The company of Nerayoff began in July 2017, to advise a company during the Token Sale. The agreed payment was at 22.5 percent of all income. After the first contract had been signed, began to Nerayoff and Hlady, to advise the Executive of the company (in the court document as John and Jane Doe referred to). The call came suddenly to 30,000 Ether – more than Double the original percentage.

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in Order to give the demands, staged themselves Hlady as a member of various secret services. So, he gave according to court document against Jane Doe, that he “was shot, people killed, that he was a head of state [killed and also] a member of the Irish Republican Army (IRA), National Security Agency (NSA), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI)”. So he reached, the first payments went over the originally agreed amounts.

“We are going to crush”

Apparently, it was not done in order for Hlady and Nerayoff yet. As you can see from the indictment, more, stayed with Jane Doe in March 2018 at Nerayoff. Michael Hlady entered her room, turned on the light, sat down in front of it and requested a further ten million US dollars as well as shares in the company. Otherwise, he would and you Nerayoff “crush” (we want to crush you). Nerayoff to put them in the same night with similar threats. Hlady stated that he did not know where her child went to school. All of this culminated in a message that was sent Hlady to Doe:

take Care of the matter, or I promise you that I will destroy your Community. We will go […] to the Public. Then we will sell the Token, and all we know to do that too. We will sue you. About [your company] will be written a Story. […].

At the end of this threats and blackmail transferred to John Doe, then the amount of 10,000 ETH as a loan, which you might guessed it – never been repaid.

A judgment is, however, the negotiations are still ongoing.


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