The Blockchain-a Start-up Foundation Group gets a financial boost. As the company announced it has acquired the real estate giant Bauwens 15 percent of the Berlin. Together we want to expand in the future, the Investment Portfolio of the Foundation Group. As the first provider in the Start-celebrates-up this week, meanwhile, the start of sales of his property-tokens.

By David Barkhausen
10. October 2019BTC$8.542,39 -0.29% part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

For the Blockchain-a Start-up Foundation Group could rotate the world these days, hardly faster. The Berlin’s celebrated Token of the successful start of sales of its real estate. Now the company provides its investors with a view to partnership and well-known.

Like the Foundation to BTC-ECHO is running, the company has received a substantial financial injection from the German real estate giant Bauwens. Already in September, the construction company had acquired 15 percent of the Start-ups. How much money does this end up in the coffers of Start-ups, he leaves open, however.

Using the Cologne project developer, Germany’s residential buildings, a Hotel and selling complex value of 6.7 billion euros to call your Own, if you wanted to take the help of numerous buildings in the Investment Portfolio, announces Foundation chief Ermel. In the medium term, the Start-up plan for its customers, shares in real estate in seven German Metropolitan regions by a Token offer, so the growth strategy of the company.

Meanwhile, the real estate giant Bauwens invested with full hands in the digitization of its business. Although the construction company was involved in the Foundation Group of 40 other technology companies. In fact, it is for Bauwens a strategic Investment, says Bauwens, managing Director of Alexander Jacobi:

I am excited about the future partnership with the Foundation. We have been watching for a Long time, innovative forms of distribution for real estate and are already in this environment, with first activities. Now Foundation in Germany have made a crucial breakthrough. We support the Foundation with our real estate and digitization Expertise and see also Security Token is an interesting Option for the distribution of our property. With our Investment in the Foundation, we want to position ourselves in this emerging market segment.

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From the common partnership, he is hoping, above all, the interest of institutional investors, the reputation of Bauwens curls, and the innovative investment of the Berlin young entrepreneurs to convince.

Foundation Group celebrates the start of sales for real estate-Token

in June, the Foundation Group had received throughout Germany as the first supplier to the blessing of the financial Supervisory authority BaFin for your digital encrypted in the real estate bond. Then started on Tuesday, may 8. October, the sale of the Ethereum-based Tokens, which is to bring the organization in the future up to 250 million euros. These are both large investors and small investors the opportunity to participate in a total of five construction projects. Three of them in Hamburg, one in Frankfurt and one in Jena.

BTC-ECHO has spoken with the Start-up in July, about his business model. The Interview can be read in full length here.


German-stock-exchange-Partner Sygnum starts Onboarding for Blockchain Banking USA: block of stack STO brings in 23 million dollars MERJ and Globacap bring Security Token in the EU#Foundation Group#estate#STO