the The Bitcoin exchange Binance has taken in a new study, the correlations among crypto-Assets under the magnifying glass. Analysts have noted for the last three months, there is a high correlation with respect to the Returns in US dollars. Nominal in BTC expressed in terms of the correlation of the yields, however, declined. As a possible cause for this Binance called the growing use of stablecoins.

By Christopher clover
On the 25. March 2019BTC$3.938,08 -1.44%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Bitcoin is still the bellwether in the cryptographic enclosures. This was by a study of the Bitcoin exchange Binance again. The Creator of the on 20. March published report examined various correlations of the 30 largest Cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. In the following table:

source: Binance Research, Coinmarketcap

was speaking From a value of 0.5, one starts from a strong positive correlation. The higher this value, the more likely the rates of the studied Assets move in the same direction. Conversely, a lower correlation means greater independence of two Assets. A negative (or Anti-)correlation means, however, that rates move in opposite directions. Values of below -0.5 describe a strong negative correlation. Most of the Altcoins have a strong correlation to Bitcoin. However, there are various factors that can this correlation be softened.

The following Chart shows the strong correlation between Bitcoin (yellow) and Cardano (in blue) in terms of their US Dollar nominerten returns. The purple line shows the weak with BTC correlating WAVES course.

BTC/USD (yellow) ADA/USD (blue) WAVES/USD (purple)

over the period considered, poor correlation between BTC and WAVES is a consequence of the price explosion in December, which is, in turn, with the successful Funding of the Vostok-platform. Other crypto-currencies that have correlated only weakly with Bitcoin, TRX, BNB, and BSV. Behind idoysynkratische” factors are how to Binance calls it, “.

The Binance-Effect?

For rate outliers in the case of TRX, about the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) has taken care of for the Bittorent Token (BTT). This was handled via the new Launchpad of Binance, BTT could be against TRX or BNB. The Binance-own BNB Token correlated only weakly with the industry leader Bitcoin. As the reason, analysts suggest the two to be successful over the Binance Launchpad settled ICOs, as well as the Start of the Testnets the Decentralized Exchange (DEX) of Binance.

A different picture is obtained with the correlation among the Altcoins, if you put the returns in BTC. In the Report, it is stated:

the correlation of The crypto-asset returns on the basis of BTC-rates (i.e. Bitcoin-adjusted returns) showing significantly lower correlations between the cryptographic assets, in comparison to correlations between the same Coins in USD-yields (the average correlation drops from 0.67 to 0.20).

The following table illustrates this:

Nevertheless, the influence of idiosyncratic factors in the case of BNB, WAVES, BSV, and TRON makes itself felt here too. The low values of XTZ, DOGE and MKR might result from the fact that this Crypto is not currency to be traded on Binance. The speech is here from the “Binance Effect”. The data of the Bitcoin stock exchange served as the basis for the calculation.

What is the role of the Stable Coins to play?

The trading volumes of stablecoins have seen in the past few months, a veritable Boom. How this has an impact on the structure of the crypto-market, formed a second focus in the Binance report. Binance assumes that the increasing correlation with the US Dollar listed on the crypto-currency returns is primarily an epiphenomenon of the (supposed) bear market. However, the growing popularity of stablecoins to have your bit in the pan is thrown. It is said in the Report:

During the bear market which seems to be the most obvious explanation for the increase of the crypto-Asset correlations (using USD returns), has pairs of the increased availability of Stable-Coin-trading and Listings, as in our last report shows a significant increase in the proportion of the Stable-Coin-trading volume of the entire crypto-Asset trading volume. This could be a further factor to be taken into account in the assessment of the correlations from today’s crypto-Asset markets.

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