the The Grayscale Investment Trust reported figures strong growth. According to one report, the investment volume of the world’s largest fortune grew at a Manager for digital Assets in the first quarter alone of this year to 42 percent. Gefragtestes product is, as before, the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust.

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The initial doubt institution to handle The Narrative seems to be more than a Phrase: institutional investors in the integrity of the crypto-market, seem to be more and more. Otherwise the latest quarter is interpret the report of the Grayscale Investment Trust hardly. A whopping 42.7 million US-Dollar to familiar investors, the US asset managers alone in the first quarter of this year. Thus, the investment volume increased by 42 percent compared to the fourth quarter of 2018. The financial service provider with headquarters in New York managed accordingly a total of 1.2 billion US-dollars of capital.

Bitcoin is more popular than ever

The vast majority of investors, however, a clear preference for Bitcoin. Because of the 3,3 million dollars, the investors handed over each week in the care of a Grayscale, flow, 3.2 million dollars is the Bitcoin Trust. Consequently, 99 percent of customers relies on the crypto-currency no 1.

This is due to the company with an attractive risk profile. Investors, Grayscale, see in Bitcoin, finally, a “Sweet Spot in terms of risk and expected return in comparison to other digital Assets”, – stated in the document.

In the course of the incoming bull market is a shift towards a greater weighting of altcoin backed products such as the Ethereum Trust, however, is likely to be.

Institutional investors discover the crypto-market

From the report that the New York company on 13. May published, it is also clear that the majority of the capital now comes from institutional investors. Accordingly, these now account for 73 percent of the investment volume. This was due to all hedge funds. In accordance with the contents of the report, the rise in the volume of this group of investors of one Million US dollars in the fourth quarter of 2018 to 24 million in the first quarter of 2019.

Grayscale is advertising for a digital Gold

at the beginning of may, the Investment Trust was launched, however, the #drop-gold-campaign.

In a Video touting Grayscale since then, for the advantageous properties of BTC. Investors should, as the message, rather than in the precious metal, rather in the digital Gold, that is to say, Bitcoin, invest.

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