so Far, the sliding was at the end of the last one hundred days the mean as a stable Support to prove it. However, the short-term development of Bitcoin can be interpreted in a course as a bear flag. Beyond Bitcoin, there was, despite a rather worrying report from the G7 countries, with positive news for stablecoins.

Of Bitwala Trading Team
18. October 2019BTC$7.467,25 -0.12%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The currently barely-changing Bitcoin not consume the course, only to the nerves of the crypto-Community, but raises the question, what are the next objectives of the crypto-currency. We look to scale on various time in order to assess the short – and long-term development of bitcoin.

Bitcoin price: a Stable Support thanks to a sliding mean value

the weekly chart on the Basis of the value pair is BTC/USD on the stock exchange Bitstamp created.

From December 2018 to 24. June 2019, the Bitcoin was able to post-course of a whopping 334 percent price increase. Since then, the course had to cope with, however, a course correction of 43 percent. Currently BTC is located with a view on the weekly chart between the sliding average values of the last 20 or 100 days. The latter mean value as described the Support prevented a further Slide in the Bitcoin price, and is accordingly values as a strong support. Of course, this Level should be exceeded, it can lead to a massive Crash up to 6,700 dollars. At this price level, we should see a dramatic increase in the volume of trade.

the bear flag calls for caution

four hours chart on the Basis of the value pair is BTC/USD on the stock exchange Bitstamp created.

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A glance at the four hours agreed to chart a slightly bearish: While the price of Bitcoin has pursued since the 24. September a slight upward trend. This can be interpreted as a bear flag. The course should be of 7,800 US dollars, would confirm this. Next days will be given the average of the last 100 days would be the objectives through the VPVR in the weekly chart and the moving.

Bermuda: tax payments via crypto

From a regulatory page currencies, there is positive news: The Bermuda shorts are now the first country in the world, operating control accepts contributions in crypto-currencies. Specifically, the inhabitants of the British island territory in the North Atlantic can pay your tax in the Stable Coin USDC.

relative to the Stable Coins, there was another interesting news: Two former employees of the CFTC suggested that the U.S. government gives a block chain-based Digital dollars out. The aim would be, the current monetary system to the digital age and to use stablecoins for national and international transactions.

Away from the Bitcoin rate: G7 Express concern about Stable Coins and Libra

Not all the News from politics to stablecoins were positive: The G7 Task Force published a report in which they gave their concerns to Stable Coins and Facebook Libra expression. They spoke out against the development of a global stablecoins, at least as long until you get to know about the potential risks to the implementation of such projects more precisely.

Disclaimer: The content shown on this page Bitcoin rate estimates do not constitute buy or sell recommendations. They are merely an assessment of the analysts.

Charts on 8. October 2019 using trading view created.

USD/EUR exchange rate at the time of writing: € 0.91.

The market comment was written from the Bitwala Trading Team. Bitwala provides the easiest and safest way to buy Bitcoin directly from a Bank account and to sell. More info here.


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