The price of Bitcoin has continued its journey in the last 24 hours to the South of the 9,000-US-Dollar-limit. Also in the case of Altcoins, it currently looks a little gloomy. The Ethereum course (ETH) needs to just lose ten percent, while the Ripple-course or XRP-Token-goes-speed dive – a classification of the crypto-market.

By Phillip Horch
31. May 2019BTC$8.431,00 -3.31%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The Bitcoin price has not been able to keep the 9,000-US-Dollar-brand. He currently sits at just over 8,200 US dollars. This means that the price of the leading cryptocurrency by market capitalization in the day-to-Day has lost another 5.4 percentage points.

In terms of its successor the price of Bitcoin is performing, but is still fairly stable. The current Dump on the market, for example, has taken to the Ether-course (Ethereum) are much harder. With almost ten percentage points to the loss of these is located at 255 US dollars.

Similar Numbers, the so-called Bankencoin a. k. a. XRP writes. Of course, the third largest crypto-currency is currently $ 0.42. Ripple is likely to be pleased with the just under nine per cent, Minus a little.

Particularly hard hit in the last 24 hours the Bitcoin-SV-price. This is fighting with at the moment, nearly 20 percent loss. Given the incredible price rally on 30. May should come as no surprise, however little. In the short term, the Bitcoin-SV-price has risen by over 100 percent. Triggers were renewed (unconfirmed) rumours of the alleged Bitcoin Creator Craig Wright.

Nevertheless, one may ask: What are the reasons of the current Dump on the crypto-market?

Bitcoin price falls – What’s behind it?

For the technical reasons first give. The price of Bitcoin has yesterday 30. May the 9,000-US-Dollar mark only for a short time can exceed what is likely to have triggered a series of sell orders. As you know, the Bitcoin as a reserve currency as the prices of the Altcoins with it. In any case, the short-term increase in the Bitcoin exchange rate has fallen with a number of transactions together, in which occurred the infamous Bitcoin-whales in action. So, Whale Alert, a recorded in the last 24 hours Coin-movements in the amount of 17.814 BTC.

it is in these large Coin movements, however, are exclusively of sales, which affect the rates to be negative, you can’t confirm at this point, no doubt. However, what is striking: Within one hour of Whale recorded Stable Alert in addition, Coin-movements of a total of 85 million USDC, which corresponds to approximately the same amount of dollars. Until the editorial deadline, a total of 30 million US dollars were burned from this amount, which speaks for the Auscashen of some whales.

the Unknown Hacker Wallets in motion

The important Target of the Bitcoin exchange rate of US $ 9,000 has been taken care of, but apparently, the alleged hackers a former new Zealand crypto-exchange movements. Because Wallets that are available with the chopped stock exchange in connection with this, move some BTC and ETH:

500 #ETH (128.070 US dollars) in stolen Funds from Cryptopia — Hack-[Wallet] an unknown address.

Currently there is only the amount of 500 Ether and 1 Bitcoin. Nevertheless, the move is likely in the next time for some excitement, finally, in connection with the chopped stock exchange to some inconsistencies. The hacked Bitcoin exchange, there are numerous customers on the Token. However, Cryptopia has been able to ride Recently, access to in the USA located servers with customer data in the first place.

What course to do in case of a falling Bitcoin?

in Principle, it is in such situations not to panic FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt, fear, uncertainty, doubt) on the crypto-market is a bad counselor. Strong price movements are, so nothing out of the ordinary. Short-term corrections of the Bitcoin exchange rate change have to aim at long-term rates, as well as the Fundamentals of Bitcoin little.

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