the The price of Bitcoin will soon be 50,000 US dollars. Experts are reasonably agreed on. What comes in addition, analysts found out that the moon landing is only a matter of time. A glimpse of the “moon rocket to 50,000”.

By Phillip Horch
At the 1. April 2019BTC$4.142,93 1.07%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The price of Bitcoin will soon be 50,000 US dollars. Most experts are now agreed on this. If you look at the precise indicators, it is clear that the current Bitcoin exchange rate from 1. April is only half over 4,100 US dollars. No, and this is even more impressive: He will soon rise. In other words: The landing on the moon is only a matter of time. Soon it is so far. The relativity of time is on the side of the cops. Especially in view of the current world economy, it is clear that it is likely to soon be a turnaround.

editor-in-chief Sven Wagenknecht thinks here of John Meynard Keynes. We quote him exclusively with his statement from today:

In the long run we are all dead. The economy makes it too easy and makes your task to worthless, if you can say in turbulent times us only that, after the storm is long past, the ocean will calm down again.

calm After the storm is over the ocean again. However, it is precisely in this turbulent time, it must have Bitcoin Hodler take advantage of that there is the safe port in the crypto-currency no 1. As long as the world is crumbling economy, you have to put your Fiat money into Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies. Because: the Former is soon completely worthless. Dr. ineptias Jerome Serco Bitcoin Top-Notch Analytics:

It’s soon. Various indicators suggest that the price of Bitcoin is soon at 50,000 US dollars. But it will not stay. Also Ripple will soon break the 100-U.S.-Dollar mark. Not to speak of Ethereum. The Ether-rocket will fly right through the moon drill and the direction of Mars. It is also an investment in the Ponzi-Coin will be worth. We plan to have a Pump like of which the world has never seen. This Time, however, it is something very Special: We let the rich Dump and make it to us on Mars comfortably. There you can live, finally, soon.

And the trained Promovist not wrong about that. Because, as The mirror reported, wants to sell the organization, “Mars One” by 2025, 24 people to the red planet. This should all happen in the context of a TV show:

the organization of The Show-inventor Bas Lansdorp wants to possibly settle by 2025, a total of six four-member groups on the red planet. You are there to build a colony. Return flights to earth are not provided.

Bitcoin-course soon at 50,000 US-dollars – only a matter of time

among the newly weaned Martians, some Bitcoin millionaires are going to be to find, is not unlikely. Finally, BTC-ECHO Chief Analyst Dr. Philipp Giese confirmed that it will be soon. The Bitcoin exchange rate of US $ 50,000 is us throw the millions of soon to the ears. To pay on Mars, the Mars Boots, appears to be only logical. Analyses confirm that:

Based on advanced Top-Level analysis on the Basis of Point Set Topology, one can note that the course will soon be very high. For more Details, please refer to the Chart.

Dr. Philipp Giese, Chief Analyst at BTC-ECHO

experts agree: you are the tax adviser to hate

Also, the analysis of the scene-“magazine” from U Today to give these analyses right. It is said by the analysts that by the Bitcoin Halving, which is expected by 2020, will bring the big Bitcoin price increase. This will, ultimately, brought a snow avalanche on the otherwise warm the Martian soil. Accordingly, it is said by the analysts of the scene:

A tight assessment model, which was recently published by Top analysts PlanB, proves that Bitcoin 55.000 [US]could reach dollars. This will be after the anticipated reduction in Block Rewards, which is expected to take place in the year 2020.

The indicators on the Plan B are known to be extremely reliable. That the price of Bitcoin 55,000 in the U.S. could reach Dollar and the halving is expected to take place in the year 2020, can only be bullish interpreted. Whether the high profits you will hate tax Advisor for this simple Trick. As we have learned from insiders, is preferred to the Bitcoin Halving, probably. Dr. Julian Hosp, compared to BTC-ECHO:

After the people behind Bitcoin are afraid to get out of J. P. Morgan and Facebook rank expired, the Prefer of the Bitcoin Halving this year, perfect sense. Good Decision!

Dr. Julian Hosp

How will the price of Bitcoin?

The increase is in connection with the early Halving is most likely. This is, finally, also to the fact that the maximum Bitcoin supply is limited. The crypto-currency, which is at the top of the list, is deflationary. According to the U Today, 36 percent of all BTC will be lost in addition to for always. Because some of the Hodler to go just a little flippant with your Private Keys. Who does not protect his private belongings properly, indirectly, that the Bitcoin price rises. Sounds logical, is this: By using a larger flowing amount of money in a limited market, it remains only a consequence: The price of Bitcoin is increasing. Of 55,000 US dollars are most likely a conservative forecast. Free according to the experts are unanimous :

We shall see, said the Blind man.

And so they are not wrong. Because time will eventually show what is in store for us. And this is perhaps much more important: The subjunctive vocabulary of the German language is not yet exhausted. We could expect some good forecasts.

Finally BTC-ECHO was a request for an independent weather service. This confirmed us even the Start-date of the biggest Bull Runs in history:

Today is the fourth month of the year begins. This is also known as the start date for rotating cows dimensions. The cops then begin to, is expected to be on Hand.

raffle for 1. April,

The entire Team is happy, finally, with his readers on this well-deserved Calls the cops. And to celebrate, we have something very Special: a competition. Anyone can join, send 7 BTC. Among all participants we raffle a balloon with hot air. We look forward to your payment inputs and wish you a good Start in the current month.

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