the Bitcoin, The leading crypto-currency by market capitalization recovered easily. In the last 24 hours, it recorded a Plus of seven percent. As usual, most of the Altcoins to like about XRP from Ripple, Ethereum and Stellar. The same time, NASDAQ announced the start date for Bitcoin Futures.

By Phillip Horch
28. November 2018 share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The price of Bitcoin recovered slightly, at least within the last 24 hours. It is ultimately a matter of opinion: you Would have spoken at a price of US $ 4,000 two months ago from a course fall, bears witness to you today of a slight rise. This felt a Bitcoin in the morning hours of the 28th. November and is currently at 4,100 US dollars. Over the course of weeks, it would be exaggerated to speak of a recovery here, it is still ten percent that had to cope with the course. In the last 30 days there were, however, 36 per cent, which has lost the value of pair BTC/USD.

Ripple: The Bankencoin moves to

As usual, the Altcoin market is based on the mother of all crypto currencies and with draws. Ripples XRP is currently at just 0.38 to the US Dollar and has increased in the last 24 hours of 5.8 percent. In the weeks – like course of the month, the XRP price, however, decreased by 14 and 16 percent.

Ethereum, our problem child

of course a technical problem child in the Top 3 is probably still Ethereum. Although the Ether-course in the 24-hour Chart could rise to eight percent. A week ago he was still 14 percent higher, a month ago, even 40 percent. Currently Vitalik Buterins head birth is 117 US dollars.

the Hash Was completed: BCH pull

Bitcoin, Cash can increase to the end of the Hash Wars as well – in the daily chart, there are nearly nine per cent Plus. BTCH is currently at 205 US dollars with a week of minus 16.8 percent, and a monthly decline of 52 percent.

Stellar Lumens (XLM) is gaining momentum

Also Stellar Lumens (XLM), there is currently a daily increase of 6.4 percent. Thus, the Stellar price is 0,145 US Dollar. In the course of weeks, the 23 per cent loss and, in the monthly review of 32 percent, which the XLM-rate plug.

NASDAQ fleshed out plans for Bitcoin Futures

this is All happening while the US-American stock exchange NASDAQ has concretized its plans to launch Bitcoin Futures. According to the information available to Bloomberg, the company in its negotiations with the stock exchange and the securities regulatory authority SEC more to come. Because the futures contracts are ultimately on the market, an authorisation is the same with the Securities and Exchange Commission is necessary.

Measured at the share price developments of last December, this is to be regarded as a bullishes Signal: at the Time of the initial introduction of the Futures price rose sharply, fell in the aftermath, however, also strong again. Both studies show that with the introduction of the Futures connect.

The Bitcoin Futures yet to come in the first quarter of 2019.