block stack, an American provider of decentralized Cloud Computing, performs a STO, the private investors are allowed to invest. Thus, the New gets York’s Start-up as the first US company ever to an SEC license for a public STO.

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“Cloud Computing is the next level of the Computer age,” explains block stack, founder and CEO, Muneeb Ali, and not without the requisite amount of Pathos in the Video to the latest developments in the field of Security Token Offerings (STO). The block stack is a kind of platform for various Cloud Computing services such as E-Mail, file-sharing, and financial planners frolicking and decentralized to be. All the services are according to the company, the Blockchain technology, respectively, cryptographic Hash functions sufficiently encrypted and secure. Block stacks ambitious goal: to make The Internet democratic, and to take it out of the hands of the monopolists.

STO open to all

the first steps in terms of STO 2017 were only for institutional investors, is in front of this Background, so anything other than ideal. At that time, the Start-up of the relevant U.S. securities and exchange Commission, the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC), however, only received a so-called Regulation D. This allows the sale of Securities, i.e., U.S. securities exclusively to accredited investors. The are those that participate with a minimum of $ 200,000 to the STO.

The has yesterday, on 10. July, however, changed. As the company announced in a press release that provides the SEC block stack with an A+ Regulation. As the first US company ever to block the stack, thus, Security can Token also to private investors sell, the less than 200,000 of US would like to invest dollars.

block stack Token Sale follows on the heels of

at The same time, the block stack is also announced, to want said ability immediately make use of. Already today, Thursday, the 11. July, starts the Start-up a new STO. The Issuer, stack tokens (STX) in a total volume of 28 million US dollars. Those interested will find more information to the Token Sale.

the US market observers reacted enthusiastically to the message. Accordingly, STX shortly after the successful regulation to be recorded by the SEC, a price jump of over 100 per cent. Within just an hour STX jumped from about 0.38 U.S. dollars to a whopping 0,81 US dollars. However, STX from the price corrections of the last 24 hours is also not spared, and so the Token is for the hour at $ 0.55.

Why STOs can lead to a democratisation of the financial markets, you will learn in our Tutorial.

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