the BTSE, is a stock exchange where you can trade Bitcoin and other crypto currencies, has announced an Upgrade of their offer. Therefore, you should be able to be on the platform soon Futures trade. Some of the Details of the exchange conceals the information.

By Phillip Horch
8. January 2019TeilenFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

BTSE want to add in February, the Option to trade Futures on your platform. According to a press release, the ECHO is BTC, want to attract the operators, especially investors, who were investing in Bitcoin and the likes, so far. The press release leaves open important Details.

What Contracts are Perpetual?

As a new offer, the company lists “linear perpetual futures contracts”, the so-called Perpetual Contracts. In contrast to ordinary Futures this is not run, but will be extended automatically. Typically they are traded very close to the base value of Bitcoin, BTSE lists in addition to their own indices.

By the stock exchange offers products, which are mainly from the traditional financial accounting are known, it is hoped to create a increased attractiveness. This should attract also, in the end institutional investors. Accordingly, it is stated in the press release:

“The Futures product of the BTSE will direct the Trading in a new direction. With a combination of new features the platform will not only attract followers of crypto-currencies, but also for professional traders, yet due to a lack of familiarity and ease of transactions were hesitant.“

By BTSE offers linear Futures, promises and the stock market an advantage over inverse Futures:

“In the crypto-currency Space, there is usually an inverse Futures. The non-linear character of the inverse of Futures leads to a complex mechanism of profit and loss account. Conversely, a linear Design is used in traditional futures contracts. Any price movement of a contract directly leads to a proportionate share in the profit and loss. Linear Futures make hedging for traders easy to and eliminate the exchange rate risk of the non-linear Futures. The clear advantages of linear contracts, the justification for the choice of BTSE.“

BTSE announces Large, the most Important thing, however, is open to

the most Important is the stock market failed, however, to announce what kind of Futures it offers. Whether these are now on Bitcoin, or to one of the two BTSE indices leaves open the press release. In contrast, the exchange announces many advantages, the institutional and “ordinary” traders to make an investment palatable:

Multi-Currency Support: By the stock exchange, the support Tether, the Chinese Yuan, the Euro, British pound, Hong Kong Dollar, the Japanese Yen and the Singapore$, it promises, “a Trader in the world [to attract] and a better liquidity hoarding.”Support of the Fiat & crypto currencies: the users can directly invest by Fiat into the Futures products without the need to crypto-currencies change.linear futures contract is perpetual Swaps: futures without AuslaufdatumFIX Protocol Support: (Traditional) a Trader should be able to translate your strategies directly in the Bitcoin world.

What may at first sound convincing, for a few explanations guilty. Neither BTSE, what kind of Futures should be (see above), mentioned, explained in the crypto-exchange, such as, for example, the “FIX Protocol Support” is technically supposed to happen. On a request from BTC-ECHO BTSE has not responded so far.

The BTSE-indexes

Presumably, the announcements related to the three listed indices. These are the following:

BTC IndexBTSE 5: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin, Cash, Litecoin, Ethereum ClassicBTSE 10: Bitcoin, Cash, Litecoin, Ethereum Classic, Verge, Monero, ZCash, Hyper cash, Digibyte, Decred, Siacoin

With high promises to not hold back, however. So Brian Wong, the co-founder of the BTSE is quoted, as follows:

“We want to offer a number of synthetic instruments with leverage and high liquidity in the $ 200 billion dollar market for crypto-currencies. The BTSE-platform is designed as an effective Hedging platform for established traders and as an introduction for private and institutional investors.“

Whether that’s enough to inspire the infamous and long-awaited institutional investors for Bitcoin and co. of course, it remains to be seen. The Futures Trading should start in February: soon .

What do you think of BTSE? Would you invest or your Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, etc. is true? In our Discord Channel and leave us your opinion.