the The more complex a topic, the greater the risk that the General courts, to give just due to the reality of the Situation. So also in the case of Blockchain projects and their financing via ICO. A Central Problem is the lack of distinction between the Blockchain is here-ecosystem platforms (set on the Protocol Layer) and the Token-service platforms (set on the Application Layer). Why Shitcoins, which are used to Service platforms, meanwhile, hardly play a role, and Ecosystems, such as Ethereum, EOS or Lisk are more important than ever.

By Sven-servant to the
car On the 25. January 2019BTC$3.562,88 -0.43%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

failed Typical generalizations in relation to crypto currencies, as well as ICOs, and read as follows:

ICOs have to listen to a whole range tokens make no sense is a lack of Business Cases

These statements may be true in Parts. The only Problem is that they refer to particular parts, areas or companies in the crypto-Economy. Specifically, it is based to these statements, primarily on ICOs and / or Token-projects, which have stamped on the basis of the ERC20-Token of Ethereum, Services from the ground without possessing a substantial Token concept. The Mindset: “Token at any price. The Business Case and the Community value then come from aloneā€œ, has led to this loss of image has shaped the image outside of the crypto scene.

What are the weight Shitcoins really have?

like So much about the many ERC20-Token-platforms is moved, it must not be forgotten that these represent only a very small part of the crypto market capitalization. Looking at the Top 30 Coins according to market capitalisation, it is striking that here the proportion of “self-employed” Ecosystem-platforms is enormously high. The further you scroll down in the ranking table according to the market capitalization-to-bottom, the less Ecosystems and native Blockchain Token, at the other end of the crypto food chain. The classic ERC20-Token that was born in the ICO-Hype, at the current $ 120 billion market capitalization is only a small part. Estimated that we are in a much lower percentage than a year ago. In the reverse conclusion this means that the majority of the capital is more innovative and more serious projects.

The Same applies to Scam ICOs. So many scrap – or even fraud-ICOs, it was in the past, Only a few have collected, with very few exceptions, to the beginning of the ICO-hype (for example, Bitconnect), really a lot of capital. The typical Scam-ICO is practically dead and the sums that are collected, are now negligible.

Ecosystem first, application-second

It would be wrong however to judge applications and Services that build on an Ecosystem platform like Ethereum, EOS, or Lisk, in a lump sum. Finally, these concerns for the final Use Cases for a crypto-Economy. The only Problem is that these crypto-Services build on a weak Foundation. A house, you should not build in a swamp area, but on a solid Foundation. This Foundation, however, is not yet sufficiently available. It lacks, among other things, when it comes to Usability, scaling, and interfaces. The result of the Service-Token that, in addition to the often lack of Business Case, don’t make any sense. The result is we have been experiencing for over a year in the Form of a bear market and a slow Bleed-out of this many hopeless projects.

but That also means: It is all the more important that Ethereum & co. continue to develop. The Ethereum Constantinople to Hard Fork the Block 7.280.000, therefore, expected to be on 27. February, take place. Together with Casper and Sharding, which takes exactly the right steps. This is the Foundation work increases the likelihood that, in the future, applications are not, their commercial use is only on gambling dApps limited. Even if the current technological progress, such as, for example, in the area of Second-Layer solutions, Blockchain Identity or Reputation system positive votes, this development only caused by the crypto-market received. Here, as in Decentralized Ecosystems, may not occur from today to tomorrow. The expectations of the Blockchain technology are not set too high, but the Belief that the ideas can be implemented within a few months.