the The continued downturn in the crypto-currencies not only brings investors and traders into a sweat. Bitcoin-Mining-companies, and now also micro-chip manufacturers complain of a significant loss of revenue.

Brigitte Bernhardt
31. January 2019BTC$3.433,31 -0.58%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

in 2018, the revenue accept that The United Microelectronics Corporation, a leading company in the semiconductor industry, based in Taiwan, had to Reports of losses of up to ten percent. Also, TSMC, a Taiwanese chip manufacturer and supplier of Mining equipment manufacturer Bitmain, recorded losses and, among other things, on the bad situation on the crypto markets.

The declining interest in crypto-currencies will lead to a lower demand for Mining Hardware, so Co-President Jason Wang. The company will expect therefore, in 2019, with a lower Wafer demand of its customers. As the main reasons he also identified problems in the mobile sector, and the crypto bear market.

Bitcoin as a scapegoat

in 2017, the crypto has contributed to the Boom certainly to the positive business development in the electronics company. Bitcoin Mining was lucrative, and many new firms have entered the market. That is always the ongoing “crypto-Winter” must serve as an explanation for loss of turnover, seems to be more of a pretext.

For investors and traders, the weak courses of the crypto-markets are a Problem. As for the Miner. Your task is to confirm the transactions and to create a new Block. As a reward for this computational work they receive transaction fees and newly created bitcoins. When in the markets, everything is Green, also benefit the Miner. Persistently falling prices in the bear market, diminishing the profits of the Miner significantly. 2018 numerous Mining had to be turned off the farms – the shrinking of the revenue from the maintenance and electricity eaten up in costs. Also companies such as Bitmain, the world’s largest manufacturer of Mining Hardware, have come under pressure.

Read also: Intel: Green light for Bitcoin Mining-Patent

developments in the Smartphone market oversleep

The declining Numbers in the Mining equipment producers, have a lower demand for Mining Hardware. The majority of the semiconductor business, however, in other industries, such as mobile phones and computers. In particular, the lower sales figures for new Smartphones have a serious. By almost 14 percent compared to the year-on-year demand in Europe fell in the first quarter of 2018. In comparison to these losses, the decline of the crypto-mining for the micro-chip industry is likely to be of secondary importance.