the Genesis Capital, one of the largest providers of crypto-loans cracked to 2018, the brand of a billion US dollars in crypto-loans. Despite the decline in Bitcoin prices, the demand for credit on the crypto money market, seems to be higher than ever.

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Alone in the fourth quarter of 2018’s Genesis, a kind of crypto-credit institution, loans to the value of $ 500 million awards. Thus, the US companies accounted for almost half of total lending volume in 2018 in the fourth quarter; overall, it forgave loans in the amount of US $ 1.1 billion. The market is booming, and the after the lost already to the South pointing end of the market in November and December again. This is evident from the quarterly report of the company.

Genesis benefits from market turmoil

According to Genesis, it is likely, especially for the price slump on the 14. Thanks to November of last year that there was a real Run on crypto-assets. Let us remember: at that time represented a market value of $ 6,000 a comfortable support level. Dips below the 6000 US Dollar mark were considered to be unlikely.

As it happened, what could not be was down again everything open. In short: dealer liquidity in crypto-Lending-companies anxious to be able to their Short positions continue to expand.

So the debtor and creditors from the sagging of the market benefited in the end. This led, in turn, that the volume of credit in the case of Genesis knows only one direction, namely upward:

credit volume in the year 2018 in the case of Genesis Capital.Bitcoin is stronger than ever

investors can borrow at Genesis in addition to Bitcoin, a number of alternative crypto-currencies. To support Altcoins, Bitcoin, Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH), Ethereum Classic (ETC), XRP and Litecoin (LTC), among others.

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Meanwhile, is the undisputed top dog when crypto-credit institutions to Bitcoin – with a rising trend.

Q1 – Q4, the composition of the loan volumes.

in addition, the business model seems to be in this structure of Demand, in particular for Genesis itself is a gold mine. How reported, borrows the Institute, in turn, liquidity and other providers in the level of interest rates of about five to seven percent. Loans the crypto-Lender interest, however, with ten to eleven percent. The available margin is immense.

credit business to the Moon

This is likely to be one of the reasons why the crypto-lending business is on the rise. As one of the few Sub-sectors in the crypto-Space lenders like Genesis to gain during the sustained bear market.

How BTC-ECHO has reported that here, too, a Bitcoin veteran Mike Novogratz his fingers in the game. With an investment of 52.5 million US dollars, the founder of Galaxy Digital Ltd. took part in may 2018, the crypto-Lending platform BlockFi.