the The next Security Token Offering is from London. There, curve block, a Real-Estate provider wants to put the first STO in the United Kingdom, on the floor. In addition, the company Security assigns Token, and opens up to investors the opportunities to acquire parts of the company.

By Phillip Horch
On the 27. March 2019BTC$4.027,00 1.57%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Who has not noticed yet: the Security Token Offerings are all the rage in the Bitcoin Ecosystem. In short: STOs a new investment offer the opportunity for all those who trust in the possibility of financing the ICO. After the Bursting of the ICO-bubble at the end of 2017, a new investment vehicle had to be eventually. Instead of selling now, as in the case of ICOs Utility Token selling company in STOs – one might imagine it – Security Token. This can be considered as a tokenized Securities that it acquires with them shares in the company. The STO from the house of Bitbond is the most recent example from Germany.

curve block emits STO in the United Kingdom

Very similar to the news reaching us now from the United Kingdom. As you can see from a press release, the company has curve block that offers future Security Token for Real Estate. According to the first STO of the island, Gary Woodhead, CEO of Curve Block, optimistic:

Real Estate Development was historically always a Playground for the Rich. Curve block wants to break with this Tradition and Real Estate Development as an investment option to the masses.

As you can see from the press release now, to curve block in the process, both ecologically and sociologically responsible. As many recyclable materials as possible should be used. In addition, the company wants to develop a Non-Profit organization, to assist in the implementation of projects. Especially households with little income to get five percent of the profits of the individual projects. This curve will have a block for both the legal as well as for the technological side:

curve block teams of experts, by making use of the possibilities for both the short term and for the long – term Real-Estate development. We have lawyers for the compatibility of the Security Token and a Development Team that is working on Smart Contracts [ … ].

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