to start The Bitcoin exchange Bittrex offers trading with crypto-currencies, the possibility of Initial Exchange Offerings. The Ocean Protocol makes use of this now. With IEO on Bittrex, the company intends to collect in a safe and secure environment capital.

By Phillip Horch
18. April 2019BTC$5.251,00 0.70%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

While holes in the ICO-bubble now burst and unaufblasbar, there are two new candidates in the start. The Security Token Offerings, on the other, the Initial Exchange Offerings (IEO). The latter are regarded as a safe option, since you are supposed to take place on Bitcoin exchanges and, thus, already before the Start, certain safety precautions must exist to be able to new Token. In addition, the output on Bitcoin exchanges guaranteed in advance a certain amount of potential customers (see Binance).

The Ocean Protocol makes use of now. How the Blockchain-the company announced in a blog entry that wants to give out to the Ocean Protocol to the Ocean Token on the Bitcoin exchange Bittrex International. The Initial Exchange Offering to 30, therefore on. April to 18 PM Central European time to take place.

First round distributed four per cent of the total stock of Token

such As Ocean Protocol more inform, you want to give to the IEO, a total of 56.4 million Ocean tokens, which amounts to a total of four percent of the total available supply. The base price for the Ocean Token will initially be $ 0.12. Here is the data:

Name: Ocean token Ticker Symbol: OCEANIEO price: $ 0.12-token default: ERC-20Gesamter Supply: 1.410.000.000 Pre-Sale Supply: 353.107.000 Token for the IEO: 56.400.000 Start of the IEO: 30. April 2019 18 UhrIndividual Cap (Maximum Investment): 5.000 US dollar currency accepted: Bitcoin

What is the Ocean good Token?

The Ocean Protocol aims to create a world in which data are freely accessible, but only with the consent of the individual user. The planned System is intended to create an open data Economy, in which everyone can freely participate. The Ocean Token (which is, by the way, after gemint), is then used to reward or payout of the users, if you sell your data. At least since the Cambridge Analytica, we can know, how much the influence of personal data.

see Here a Video by the creators of the Ocean Protocol explain your Token:

Ocean Protocol and SGInnovate – Unlocking the potential of AI,

This Video on YouTube. the

Ocean Protocol good cheap starting point for IEO

The starting point for the Initial Exchange Offering, however, is well chosen. The price of Bitcoin is (at least in comparison to the all-time high) is relatively low, but rises for quite some time continuously. The interest of the Bitcoin Community, and especially of the investors seems to be positive overall. In addition, a new Investment Option, which seems to provide for investors who are deterred by the ICO-delusions of still, a safer Harbor with the Initial Exchange Offerings. The maximum Investment of $ 5,000 speaks for itself: it wants to protect itself, apparently, in front of centralization in the sense of an accumulation of the Token by whales.

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