the for your optimistic crypto-reviews well-known rating Agency, Weiss Ratings has released its report for March 2019. In the consistently optimistic report Weiss predicts a largely positive future for digital currencies.

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The credit rating Agency Weiss in March, a report with the title: “Dark Shadows with a Bright Future” was published. In it, Weiss Ratings reviewed, among other things, the development of the crypto-market within the last month, and compares these with 2018.

White is in the crypto-scene is by no means unknown size. Founded in 1971, the rating Agency has to move according to the Mission, consumers and investors to make prudent decisions in order to increase their chances of winning at the market. In terms of crypto-currencies-and-White displays used to be optimistic. In the current report, the credit rating Agency compares to the current crypto-market with the years of the Internet boom. And points to the Similarity of the current pattern with those in the late 90s. White plays on the success of Internet giants like Amazon & co. and sees in them a proof for the success of estimated models of the Internet boom. The report, however, speculates that the current Hype surrounding crypto-currencies, possibly as the “Internet super boom on steroids” in the history of the 21st century. Century will be remembered.

What information can be found in the report?

the analysts of the rating Agency to rate in the current report, the ten crypto-currencies with the best combination of technology and adaptation (without consideration of risk and Reward). As a result, according to the White for XRP, EOS, and Bitcoin is a rating of A and Ethereum. Followed by Cardano, Steem, Neo, Zcash, Litecoin and Stellar with the rating of B+. One expects, according to White risk and Reward, a different picture emerges. EOS, XRP, Bitcoin and Binance in the Ranking and get only a B-. Litecoin, Ethereum, Cardano, Stellar, Neo and Tron will have to give a C+ to be satisfied. Zcash and Steem adopt, however, out of the Top 10.

Meanwhile, White also considered the increase in the transaction volume of individual crypto-currencies. To clearly see the increase in transactions per day. Comparing the transaction volume of the Top 10 crypto-currencies by February 2018, with the March of 2019, it represents a tripling of the daily transaction volume. Within a year, the EOS replaced the former Leader Steem from the top and reached in March 2019 three times the trading volume of Steem.

If one may Believe the report, is the increased volume of transactions, not least to the improved technical aspects. Strikingly, it shows that the Top 10 crypto-currencies by trading volume in 2019, largely on DPoS (Delegated Proof of Stake) based. However, Coins with PoW algorithm (Proof of Work) only a single-digit percentage in the Top 10. 2018 Coins, the PoW algorithm is based, at least 25 percent of the Top 10 crypto-currencies by trading volume.

Killer Features for the Mainstream?

However, Weiss Ratings provides for three so-called “Killer-dApp-Features”, which could in the future have a significant impact on the market and the adaptation. Firstly, Social Media dApps could contribute in the future, that users of Social Media platforms can control your data and content for yourself and for the shared content pay.

the influence of Advertising could be through Smart Contracts and the Elimination of a middle man in the future, the past. Furthermore, Weiss sees in the so-called Lending-market large Potential for dApps. According to the rating Agency will establish a financial system with micro-banks, which, without any intermediary, and in the world in real-time credits can be awarded. In the future, also electoral systems could win based on dApps decisive influence. Therefore, White sees as the third “Killer Feature” of the Blockchain and crypto-technology in the future, as the President’s choice of assistant, the digital ballots in more detail, transparent, and tamper-safe counting. Whether and which of the Blockchains in the future to cover this spectrum, however, is still in the stars.

Bitcoin, Ethereum & co. fight, however, against regulatory authorities, decentralization and, not least, their acceptance. A free choice system in Cardano-base seems to be the present day just as inconceivable as a XRP-based Internet of Value. The “Internet super boom on steroids” seems today to be still in the distance.

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