the is A platform-independent software solution of Agora Innovation is to make Venture Capital investments for Start-ups completely BaFin-compliant. For the project IVE.ONE works in Agora Innovation accordingly with cash link. From the cooperation of a “warning system to indicate the Security Token Offerings”.

By Phillip Horch
At the 2. April 2019BTC$4.777,33 15.54%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Security Token are used mainly to invest in the company and to acquire with this investment, at the same time, shares in the respective companies. To facilitate this operation, has been closed, the software company Agora Innovation now with cash link. Together, they offer IVE.ONE. This is a once-in-a Blockchain-solution to make the new Form of raising capital, particularly for Start-ups more attractive: a warning system for Security Token Offerings (STO).

According to a press release, the BTC-ECHO, offers IVE.ONE just for German Start-ups a considerable advantage. The Security Token Offerings, the about IVE.ONE run should be with the guidelines of the German Federal financial Supervisory authority (BaFin), directly compliant. The Software that investors ultimately, capital flow, cash link.

IVE.ONE wants to ensure KYC

IVE.ONE should also ensure that digital identities with anonymous crypto-Wallets. Thus, IVE to.ONE is the ability of the audit of the company’s offer, and to facilitate personal data on all sides. Issuers can understand about at any time, who is the owner of the Token or is a party to a transaction. By permanent Updates of the program should match the current requirements of regulatory authorities. In addition, the companies want to ensure so, each of the Anti-money laundering policies (AML) and Know-Your-Customer rules (KYC).

cash-link-co-founder Michael Dutt linger is optimistic:

Through the collaboration IVE.ONE and cash link, we have achieved a further milestone in the development of a sustainable Ecosystem for digital securities. The long-term partnership will increase the regulatory certainty, in a new, innovative market and supports all the Start-ups and investors, the cash link Security Token to spend and keep.

Phong Dao, CEO of Agora Innovation, shares this euphoria regarding the new solution approach:

We are pleased to have with cash link a Partner who simplifies the issuance of equity-related Security Token in accordance with the German securities law. The use of IVE.ONE offers the advantage that the source and destination of the Token issuers and regulators are always transparent. We call the KYT – Know Your Token and provide the Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) in addition, a warning system that suspected cases of abuse detects and displays.

One thing is for certain now: KYT DYOR will not be able to replace completely. But may Supplement it.

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