able to perform While the price of Bitcoin was still very quiet, a lot of Altcoins very well. In particular, Stellar could see a Pump by 50 percent within three days. Also Cardano can look forward to significant growth. Somewhat surprising was that Ethereum stand temporarily in Coinmarketcap to # 1, which was, however, a Bug in Coinmarketcap.

Of Bitwala Trading Team
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In times of a stagnating Bitcoin exchange rate seem to have Altcoins gained momentum. This led to the Bitcoin dominance of 73 percent fell to a current level of 69 percent. Three examples of particularly strong professional animal cryptocurrencies Stellar, Cardano and Ethereum are.

Stellar: Where to go after the big Pump?

The daily chart is discussed on the example of the value-pair XLM/USD on the exchange Kraken.

With a growth of over 50 percent in three days is Stellar currencies of the Crypto, which benefited most from the awakening of the Altcoins. Quickly you could describe the course as overbought. Also, the volume of trade increased dramatically. In this Pump, the Stellar course came across a resistor that is formed by the sliding average of the last 200 days and the 61.8 percent Fibonacci Retracement Level.

Currently, the Stellar course of consolidation and exchange rate suffered losses of 15 percent, which however does not change the fact that Stellar has continued to currencies a place within the Top 10 of Crypto.

Cardano: rise above the EMA-Ribbon

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The daily chart is discussed on the example of the value-pair ADA/USD on the exchange Kraken.

Cardano posted in the past week a steady growth. After bottoming out in 0,043 US dollars, the Cardano-rate rose by over 25 percent. The daily candle could close above the EMA Band, and shows a parabolic movement. Currently, the Cardano-rate is weakening and has lost 5 percent.

Ethereum: it Came to Flippening?

A fun event for Ethereum was that the crypto-currency on Coinmarketcap briefly on the first place. However, it was one of many hoped-for Flippening, but a Bug in Coinmarketcap: The price of Bitcoin was at times 0 dollars:

of The Bug even led to some users notifications of a Bitcoin price collapse were given to 5,300 US-dollars:

Beyond Bugs on Coinmarketcap: Ethereum-rate can perform well

The hourly chart is discussed on the example of the pair of ETH/USD on the exchange Coinbase.

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But regardless of this rather amusing anecdote, the Performance of Ethereum in the last two weeks are quite positive. So, of course, could look back on a rate increase of at least 30 percent. There is a strong upward trend. They are not considered in the hourly chart, we can see that of course, might think that it should fall under the EMA Band, still the upward trend, he could bounce off the upward trend at around 212 dollars.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is the illustrated rate estimates do not constitute buy or sell recommendations. They are merely an assessment of the analysts.

Charts on the 20. September 2019 using trading view created.

USD/EUR exchange rate at the time of writing: € 0.91.

The market comment was written from the Bitwala Trading Team. Bitwala provides the easiest and safest way to buy Bitcoin directly from a Bank account and to sell. More info here.


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