the BAKKT, the alleged provider of the much anticipated physical Bitcoin Futures, has now given up some of the Details are known. In addition to information about the minimum amount of Bitcoin, the company offers also some job Postings. Otherwise, it means for the crypto-Community is probably still: waiting.

By Phillip Horch
On the 25. January 2019BTC$3.554,66 0.14%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

for technical Details, the operation and the potential impact of Bitcoin Futures, there’s not much more to say. What at present, however, an exact date for the start of the physical Bakkt-Bitcoin-Futures. Nevertheless, the company has now released some Details on the upcoming futures contracts for crypto-currency no 1. This we want to hide, of course anyone. The list of the Intercontinental Exchange, you can

Name: Bakkt BTC (USD) Daily Future:.
Hub Name: ICU’s.
type of contract: Daily Futures.
Commodity Code: BTC.
size: 1 BTC.
accuracy: US dollars to two decimal places.
minimum price fluctuation: $ 2.50 per BTC
Daily price limit: None.
Available dates for the contracts: Daily.
Listing Cycle: , A contract date will be published per day.
type of Settlements: Physical delivery.
Last Trading day: 18:00 EPT on the business day of the respective contract days
Last day of Delivery: Equal to the contract date.
Trading Hours: 18:00-06:00
exchange fees: $ 0.50.
type of Trades outside of the Exchange: Block Trades.
Minimum number of traded blocks: 10.
NCR, RL and IPL Level: NCR – 50,00; RL – 150,00; IPL: – 300,00: every five seconds Neuber Chung.
Settlement: Day 16:58 until 17:00 EPT,
limit: 100,000 Lots per contract date
Clearing Venues: ICU

Bakkt is looking for staff

Apart from the post Details to the Bitcoin Futures from home BAKKT the company is looking for via Twitter for new employees:

Accordingly, BAKKT searches mainly for their location in Atlanta, however, after developers in the area of Blockchain, Finance, Security Engineering, and others. To whom Atlanta is too far, it may look like on our Blockchain-Jobs-platform (also in the case of BTC-ECHO Spots are still free!).

Read also: music of the future: Bitcoin Futures

announced The Launch of Bitcoin Futures was originally already for December of last year. Due to regulatory difficulties in negotiating with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) suspended the company this date, however, until Further notice.