Ibercaja obtained a net profit of 58 million euros in the first quarter, 5.9% more than that registered in the same period of the previous year, once the extraordinary tax applied to the banking sector corresponding to this year was fully accounted for, for a amount of 40 million euros, as reported this Tuesday to the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV).

The entity increased recurring income by 10.4% compared to the same quarter of the previous year, to 322 million euros, achieving profitability (RoTE) of 8.8%, while the interest margin grew by 8.2% , up to 170 million euros “due to the good performance of financial income.”

The CET1 ‘Fully Loaded’ capital ratio increased in the first quarter to 13.1%, and the ‘Fully Loaded’ Total Capital ratio increased to 17.7%.

Net problematic assets, which include doubtful and foreclosed assets, decreased by 4% in the quarter, to 147 million euros, which represents less than 0.3% of the bank’s total assets, the lowest percentage in the financial system Spanish, despite the uncertainties of the environment.

For its part, customer funds increased to 72,186 million euros, 1% more in the quarter and a 5.3% year-on-year increase, thanks to the “intense commercial activity in the formalization of time deposits and asset management and life insurance products”, as detailed by the company, which highlights that off-balance sheet resources grew by 3.3% in the quarter, up to 38,998 million euros, now representing 54% of total client resources.