The European investment firm peakside Capital has launched a multi-million dollar estate funds on Blockchain-based. The Fund with the name “Peakside Income Fund 1” is the first investment vehicle, the power of the Blockchain-platform “scaling funds” of the Berlin-based Start-ups, brick block use.

By Christopher clover
13. June 2019BTC$8.207,00 , and 0.92%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

As one of the peak-side on the 12. June published press release shows, the Fund targets an equity target of EUR 200 million. With ticket sizes starting at 125,000 euros, the investment product aimed at institutional investors who want to invest in the German real estate market. Stefan Aumann, Founding Partner of peakside Capital, this means a lower entry threshold:

We can’t offer our products that meet the high quality demands of institutional investors, now investors that would previously may be due to the higher Minimum subscription instalments work with us. In addition, we are of the firm Conviction that the underlying Blockchain technology provides additional security.

scaling the funds gives investors the possibility to subscribe for shares of the Fund without a middle man. The calculus of the companies involved in the following, this leads to a streamlined investment process. But that’s not enough, says brick-block-in-chief Jakob Drzazga:

The actual effect of our Blockchain-based platform, however, is far greater than efficiency gains and cost-efficiency. The ability to trade shares of the Fund almost instantaneously, creates a new Segment between open and closed-end funds.

the registration of The Fund is carried out in two ways:

The Fund’s shares are registered on the immutable and tamper-proof Blockchain, as well as in a traditional Offline directory in the Sanne Group, a global provider of services for alternative investments and companies administration,

it is further stated in the press statement of peakside Capital.

Tokenization of real estate on the rise

brick block, the first experience with the digital securitization of real estate has Lena (also known as “Tokenization”) is collected. The Start-up company, which describes itself as a “Fund-as-a-Service”-a service provider has been, in March of this year, a two million Euro expensive business building in Wiesbaden token. This Security Token Offering (STO) was withheld from accredited investors.

The peakside Capital Income Fund 1 bakes, however, still larger “buns”. The Fund invests in objects of size between 15 and 75 million euros. Peakside Capital, and the brick block have sealed their cooperation in the tokenization of real estate in October 2018.

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