the Polymath and loop the ring to try the fusion of two promising technologies in the cryptographic field: Security Token Offerings (STOs) and decentralised Exchanges. A first Test is encouraging.

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Decentralized Exchanges (DEX) are the music of the future, the Integration of Security Token Offerings (STO) in the regular financial markets for a long time and the combination of both, it is only right. The symbiosis of two technologies, however, is only a matter of time. According to media reports Polymath was able to achieve, in cooperation with loop, ring and a lot of progress in the development of a DEX, the Security tokens are tradable.

the partners placed a high value on transparency. Because, in contrast to its unregulated counterpart, the ICOs, is the success of STOs significantly from the Compliance with the regulatory framework. Decentralized Exchanges, such as the loop ring Protocol to allow Peer-to-Peer Trading. The question of how to ensure that traders can only authorized and compliant Trades.

The answer is ST-20 security token standard. This is a Polymath-initiated Token Standard that extends the well-known ERC-1400-Standard to the possibility of transactions limit. Tokens, which are equipped with the ST-20-Standard, “you can act only if certain criteria are met,” says Polymath.

concept successfully tested

the tokens platform was able to celebrate in cooperation with loop and ring the first successes of their concept. Therefore, it was attempted to replace the tokens Wrapped ETH against the ST-20-Token Cammazol on the loop ring DEX. The managed to. However, what is Crucial is for authorized Transfers.

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tokenized shows that it is already technically possible today, decentralized Exchanges with Compliance automation equip. According to optimistic also to Graeme Moore, in his capacity of Vice President at Polymath:

What we show here is that decentralized exchanges and issuers of Security tokens have the possibility to guarantee Compliance with the standardized protocols created by Polymath,. In fact, Security Token to facilitate the Issuer’s compliance with the rules even when compared with, for example, share from the traditional financial market.

The ST-20 Standard works on the Basis of a simple Smart Contracts. Every Trade is preceded by a request to a so-called White List. Here, the algorithm checks whether the buyer and the seller of the Token have the permission to trade the Coin. This White List of the Issuer of the Token is controlled in real time according to.

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