the The concept of Tokenization is to grasp due to its abstract nature. It’s more than just the change of a medium such as, for example, in the case of the change from vinyl to CD. Tokenization opens up a whole new Dimension. What Dimension meant, and why she relates to each of us.

By Sven-servant to the
car On the 22. March 2019BTC$3.997,53 -0.41%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

What is Tokenization? It is primarily a digital securitisation process of ownership of certain goods, Assets or Rights. In short: You can authorize all tokens. Whether it’s shares, sneakers, condominiums, and license rights in musical pieces or other rights of use. Every object or anything that can be securitized, thus also for intangible goods, you can convert in the Token, or by this. Instead of a deed, such as in the case of securities, “certificated” is a Token that is associated with a Blockchain, the respective ownership. The consequence: We need to rethink our understanding of financialisation.

Token switch the financial market-Turbo

Now the question is, what are the specific Benefits of token brings capitalization specifically. What is a tokenized trade better than a trade via certificates, electronically via a state-regulated Registry and settlement companies, such as Clearstream is running?

In the first line of the Tokenization enhances the existing efficiency of the market enormously. What sounds dry to a theorem from a business book, has a huge impact. It means that everything is up to date on stock exchanges are tradable to other Plant and equipment is extended and even more efficient. Even if you take only companies and other financial values alone is for Germany as a business location the extent of the Tokenization significantly.

If for limited liability Companies, joint-stock companies

So it of the approximately 8,000 corporations in Germany, only about 800, which are released for trading on an exchange. On the other hand, there are over half a Million Companies, not or only very limited access to the capital market. The Financialization and “cash-Making” of the limited liability Companies through Tokenization, Token just opened the small and medium-sized enterprises in Germany, a new type of financing via Security.

The Security Token is legally nothing more than a security, say a stock or bond, only on a token basis. In contrast to an IPO, costs and expenses are significantly lower, especially as there is no need for formation of a Corporation to make shares, respectively, of receivables, negotiable. With the adaptation of the Security Token Offerings are made in Germany alone, over a half-Million company stock market ready.

The investment and financing range of experiences both from investors as well as company side a huge boost. The starting shot has been made in Germany, the Bitbond GmbH, which already gives its bond-tokens via Security Token Offering for the financing.

If the Uckermark comes on the Blockchain

The Financialisation of companies is only one piece of the Puzzle in the Tokenization. Of course, this is already today without a Token and the Blockchain is possible, however, the effort is so high that it securitized only a fraction of all tradable goods and rights to their full extent.

By standardized tokenization method people are open to in the future as well as private new opportunities for Participation in the real estate market. Who can buy property in the value of 200.000 Euro or Finance, can be via Token is still part owner of a property and as a proportion of the rental income to be involved. Instead of investing in a global real estate Fund, the commercial real estate in the cities of covers, each shareholder of a multi-family house in the neighboring street.

of Course, there are the current regulatory barriers that make this scenario even without the detours feasible. First, providers such as brick block, of PROPYLENE or Old.Estate are already on the market, and to offer, if only to a limited extent, selected real estate projects. Many others, such as the brick mark or SwissRealCoin are already in the starting blocks.

The stages of Tokenization

In the first step, it is observed that the Tokenization of the company. In the second step, real estate follow, and in the third step, it can be already been the Nike sports shoes, their digital twins it is tokenized.

to Whom this sounds too absurd, the a look at the digital collection of the fashion label is recommended to Carlings. Here is no Blockchain solution is to use, but you get a sense of where the journey in the virtual world. Also, the Berlin-based Blockchain-Start-up LUKSO is working to make digital twins from the Fashion-industry trade. In the future, so everyone can trade in the digital Version of his purse or of his car, digital.

At the end of the token arrived, we authorize ourselves and our digital twins, for example, avatars in Virtual Reality. Finally, we want to make sure that no copies, ergo digital doppelgangers of us, floating in the virtual space up to mischief. In the meantime, however, it will take many years.

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