the sprinkle XChange is a Blockchain-based marketplace for companies with a market capitalization of more than US $ 20 million. The first IPO-stock exchange on Blockchain-based, uses the Ethereum technology. The first company to be listed in June, such as the business magazine Bloomberg reported. CEO Wallin also announced up to 1,000 listed companies within the next four years.

From Polina Khubbeeva
20. May 2019BTC$7.948,00 , and 0.28% part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

A Bloomberg Report dated 17. May announced the upcoming launch of sprinkle XChange. This is an IPO stock exchange on Ethereum-based. It is the first stock exchange is a platform that runs on a Blockchain. It is designed for companies with a market capitalisation of between 20 and 200 million US dollars. The first company will be listed in June 2019.

According to the Report of Bloomberg’s interest in the Listing consists of a variety of industries. One of them, the real estate sector, the forestry and biotechnology, for example. Sprinkle XChange speaks to companies with a global customer base and an investor base with an interest in crypto-technologies. The stock market has in addition, exchange-traded funds in the visor.

crypto – and companies trading 24/7

“The first borderless exchange in the world”, proclaims the sprinkle XChange website in big letters. “Welcome to the capital market of the next Generation that overcomes national borders, as well as asset classes.” The Blockchain allows for the Unwinding of transactions around the clock.

User can act to both listed companies as well as with crypto-currencies. A Dutch action method makes the transactions possible. The company requires one percent of the lists-for a fee.

Cheaper and faster than the traditional stock market models

The Ethereum platform, have numerous advantages over traditional exchanges. Alexander Wallin, CEO of Sprinkle Group SA, called a traditional trading exchanges “is slower and more expensive” than its block chain-based System. In the process, sprinkle creates XChange efficiency, among other things, through the automation of Central Processing and archiving structures.

sprinkle XChange has its headquarters in Bahrain

Legally sprinkle XChange is located in the Arab Kingdom of Bahrain. Since the beginning of 2019, the company received the permission of the Central Bank, to test his model in a Regulatory Sandbox (“Regulation sandbox”) under simplified conditions.

Wallin has big plans for sprinkle XChange: In the next twelve months, the platform lists about 35 companies in the next three to four years, sprinkle XChange wants to have up to 1,000 companies in his Repertoire.

sprinkle XChange provides, however, a race with the Swiss SIX stock exchange. This is also planning the launch of a block chain-based digital exchange for large companies.

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