the What a crazy first week of April. The entire crypto market jumped within two days to almost 30 percent. Also, if the price rally has cooled off a bit, are we, with 175 billion dollars of market capitalization and a Bitcoin price of about US $ 5,000, the Total is still significantly higher than a week ago. Now the question is, how this course is classified on the jump. What were the triggers and how to do it in the next few weeks could continue.

By Sven-servant to the
car On the 5. April 2019BTC$5.012,41 0.70%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

As we at BTC-ECHO on 1. April had released our not entirely serious article about Bitcoin-the moon landing, it was clear to us that only a few hours later, the crypto-market for a rocket-like rise is observed. That alone is bullish crypto April fools day-timer, the Mini-rally, however, is considered unlikely.

But what are the factors which led to it were, that you felt again to the crypto-Boom in 2017.

In fast-forward – That has catapulted the Bitcoin rate to the top

Rarely rate fluctuations are due to a specific factor. So certainly even with the price jump this week. The concatenation of multiple factors, mainly psychological, instead of a fundamental nature, one can identify as a trigger. In particular, in the crypto sector, the market is done clearly arbitrary and emotional as, for example, in the professional as well as more fundamental-driven stock market.

especially for larger purchase orders from so-called whales, so very wealthy Wallets, can amplify market dynamics significantly. As in the past, in the case of larger price movements, could also be this time identified larger transactions. So, for example, on Tuesday, the 2. April, purchase order in the amount of 100 million US dollars to the stock exchanges Coinbase, Kraken, and Bitstamp distributed. This Order alone is not explained, although the rise of the massive course, but you can help many investors jump on the train and as a result, the chosen direction of the market will increase.

Corresponding to high volume orders can rush automated trading systems also to chain reactions, ergo, price jumps, and Price. Certain technical Level and brands are over – or under-steps and can, for example, by Trading Bots that buy or sell signals and the following orders are triggered. It is highly likely that this technically triggered a cascade effect amplifies the price dynamics.

market psychology prevails in the short term,

Fundamentally, the crypto-Ecosystem is not better than even a week ago. There was no message, that a major technological breakthrough for Bitcoin, or Ethereum has been reached. Also there was no message – April fools, except that crypto-currencies have received a more favorable recognition of a state, or the Amazon or Google even accepts Bitcoin. None of this is happening.

Consequently, it is not a fundamental-driven trigger. According to low, the sustainability of the price jump is classified. However, it would be wrong to believe that the crypto-market falls back in a couple of days back on his old Level. The crypto market has been struggling for a Long time with a losing streak, despite the overall rise in the further development of the Ecosystem. Is that supposed to mean: There are quite fundamental factors speak increase for a course, because the Ecosystem is more Mature and more powerful in recent months, as well as many individual crypto-projects are to be reported. This is fundamentally to be classified at the end of development goes back to the last few months and is not a product of the last few days.

mass media have Bitcoin again

discovered At a fraction of the price movements in the daily press and the range of the strong tabloid media jumping on the Bitcoin train. As a result, potential investors will be achieved, which would not be found under normal market circumstances, the way in the crypto-market. The New investors contribute also by fresh capital in their part of the market fuel.

in addition to many neutral or even positive contributions from the larger media houses, but there were also critical voices. As important constructive criticism of the still very immature crypto-market, but also massive deficits in the reporting, even for established publishers. Particularly embarrassing is a Mini-commentary (eleven narrow sets) of the otherwise highly esteemed Frankfurter Allgemeine is here. As it says in the comment of Bitcoin casino by Franz Nestler:

Bitcoin are more likely to bet on the horses as a currency and do not belong in the hands of private investors. The Blockchain technology in the Background, but it is most important to you.

The comment, from another point of view, quite positive. As long as a significant portion of the population keeps betting Bitcoin for something like a horse, ergo greater investment in Bitcoin & co., is not likely to be exhausted, the investment potential is still far. With the increasing understanding and growing traditional products in the financial market, the currencies Cryptographic as the base value to map, are likely to still greater wealth in the population, crypto gen are released. Just like the short-term price jump also, but this is a development process of several months and years, the discharges in highly volatile market phases.

For all the euphoria, the following applies: A swallow does not make a summer. So much for the joy of movement in the crypto market, you should not pay to much attention to it. Day traders can look forward to on the other hand, a high trading volume and increased volatility.

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