the is It to be assumed that in 2019, will come many Bitcoin exchanges and brokers in under the wheels. Too many crypto Exchanges share a always unattraktiveren market with increasing pressure from the outside. Why is it exchanges many of the crypto-to the collar and how the crypto-stock exchange landscape in the coming months will develop.

By Sven-servant to the
car On 1. February 2019BTC$3.454,92 0.64%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

crypto-exchanges are a outstanding mood barometer for the crypto-market and the shift from market weights. In the Wake of the crypto-hype the end of 2017, countless Exchanges out of the ground have been stamped. Completely unprofessional and technically dubious money-printing machine, the Laundry without KYC and consideration of Anti-money-policies worthy of the trade of Bitcoin & co. offered. Very many stock market operators have been so rich in a very short time.

exchanges will become a reality

caught up Now, in the year 2019, the tables have turned: The volume of trade is drastically reduced. Fewer Trades mean fewer sales. The enormous competitive pressure at the same time as the margins shrink. Stock market hacks are on the agenda, and penetrate the part to poorly secured IT infrastructure. The pressure from regulators is increasing, the requirements increase. To meet these, in turn, must be a lot of capital and personnel provided that can not be profitably used. At the same time, confidence in the crypto-exchanges by a well-known stock market manipulation such as Wash Trading is in the basement. In short: The air is thin.

Competition and market forces

The above circumstances, the fight lead to a hard to Survive. Only the largest and best crypto-exchanges with filled coffers have a Chance to survive. Not only because of the bear market, but also due to the rise of professionalism, the holding in the Bitcoin Ecosystem to enter.

The amateurish Exchanges of 2017 now have no Chance. This is reflected in Niche markets, including, which have awarded by many tokens, in particular, ERC20-Token to peddle. The Exchange recently known to their Service. It can be assumed with great certainty that many other Exchanges will follow this year. Finally, the trading volume of ERC20-Token is even more broken than that of the native Blockchain tokens such as Bitcoin and Ether.

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in Addition, more and more regulated Player from the traditional financial sector come into play, have known for decades, like the Bunny to be running. Many investors and traders will be in the future, trade your Bitcoin and Ether, rather on a state-regulated and well-known stock exchange as a still young crypto-exchange.

What’s the exchange customer means

customers of crypto-exchanges must be made clear that the business relationship may be faster than expected. What applies, in principle, applies now even more so: One should only keep as much capital and / or Token-stocks on a crypto-exchange, how to Trade. All other deposits are certainly on a Wallet, in the ideal case, the Hardware Wallet.

Also, it should be questioned whether the current market can keep up with the competition. If doubt, could be a stock exchange is not a bad idea. Corresponding to this notification of the Exchange should be kept in mind. Includes a stock exchange, then you are, as in the case of, a period in which the deposits can be deducted. After that, no more, it may well be that one comes to his Coins.

However, the development for the end customer, basically, is positive: The Service is better, the stock market infrastructure and trading costs low. Customer tickets on for weeks unanswered, will, in the future, no stock market anymore.