the Verseon is planning a global-compatible STO (Security Token Offering). The company, which provides a platform for medication ready, relies on the Compliance Engine from the house block rules. This can be a quite useful Tool. It should be able to reconcile the legality of STOs with national laws on a global level via the Blockchain.

By Phillip Horch
21. March 2019BTC$3.957,29 -1.57%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Verseon is planning a STO – whether the apparently oncoming STO-glut so far nothing strange. Finally, the vehicle Security Token Offering as a new star on the crypto-market. How to ICOs, but just safer. After the ICO-bubble seems to burst, finally a new way to invest his money.

New platform to Compliance problems

eliminate That there may be problems in Compliance, it is inevitable. Because the tokens are theoretically available anywhere in the world, can result in difficulties with compatibility. In other words: Just because my Token is legal in my country, he doesn’t have to be in your country for a long time. Nevertheless, I want you to buy it. to avoid

this is a Problem, Verseon, or the subsidiary block rules Ltd. with a Blockchain solution for STOs. The platform should then allow due to their properties, which it has inherited from Bitcoin, fully automatic balance with national laws. Because, let us remember: it is immutable, transparent and to manipulate.

the Compliance Engine will then mean the solution which makes it possible to check the respective digital coins to ensure their legality. With Smart Contracts, those “automatic contracts”, the crypto-currency, Ethereum come from, it assumes the platform of the then fully-automatically. She looks like behind put data with those of the customer and “know” whether each Token is legal.

block rules Compliance Engine will allow worldwide dissemination of

According to a press release from the company, the block rules Compliance Engine to a global dissemination of the new investment vehicle. It is said by the COO, Eniko Fodor:

We believe that the Blockchain technology has the Potential to transform the process of fundraising. [This will happen] by bringing efficiency, cost reduction, as well as additional liquidity to the markets. regulatory compliant STOs give companies the opportunity to promote growth and to connect with global investors.

your Security Token of Verseon is to ultimately bring the company’s shares. So owners are to benefit from future revenues of the company.

The additional “Security” in the Security Token, you should be doing but only to mislead. Because that it is actually income or Gain of the respective companies is not guaranteed.

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