JUCIL, the professional association of the Civil Guard, has warned the PSOE this Monday that it can make “another mistake” as with the “only yes is yes” law if it finally gives in to the conflicting articles to carry out the reform of the Security Law Citizen, renamed ‘gag law’.

In a statement, JUCIL asks parliamentarians for “courage” to listen to the proposals on the negotiation of the ‘gag law’ that have been launched by “jurists and unions and police groups, as they do in other laws, such as those related to Social Security or Work”.

The association takes as an example the controversy over reductions in sentences and releases of sexual offenders in application of the “only yes is yes” law, a rule that the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, has recognized this Monday that they are studying to correct it to alleviate its “unwanted effects”.

JUCIL recalls that it submitted a report on the reform of the ‘gag law’ prepared by three jurists from the CEU San Pablo University, delivering a copy to the political groups in Congress and the Minister of the Interior. This work, they say, “has not been reflected in the debates in Parliament.”

Congress will once again host this Wednesday the presentation for the reform of the Citizen Security Law, a meeting behind closed doors in which the PSOE and its parliamentary partners must verify if there is a consensus to comply with the promise to repeal the norm approved by the PP in 2015.

The Government and its parliamentary allies gave themselves one more week to try to overcome the obstacles in the articles that regulate the use of rubber bullets as police material, as well as administrative sanctions for disobedience and lack of respect for the agents or the ‘ hot returns’.

The JUCIL association maintains that the proposed changes will cause a “serious deterioration in the security that citizens enjoy in Spain by repressing the task of defending the law and the regulations that the Constitution grants to the State Security Forces and Bodies “, according to Ernesto Vilariño, JUCIL’s communication secretary.

The reform raises suspicions among the Security Forces and Corps, as was confirmed in November 2021 with the massive demonstration of police unions in Madrid. Among the representatives of the police and civil guards there are discrepancies about the suitability of reconvening a demonstration now, although they slip that there are sectors that do not rule it out and that they are vigilant, understanding that the new law can leave them unprotected.