Wojciechowski is an IT businessman in Gniezno in Poland’s western. He told Polish news website Onet.pl about his invention. It’s a smart boiler that plugs into the existing heating system and uses heat from crypto mining gear.

You will need to hire a plumber, but it is easy. The boiler must be connected to a heat-generating device. It is, in my case, my cryptocurrency mining gear,” said the miner.

38 Kilowatts per hour (kWh) is required by the miner to run his bitcoin mining hardware. This consumes approximately 48 hours of electricity. An average fridge consumes 0.8 kWh of electricity in the same time period. Wojciechowski decided to install 31 solar panels on his roof in order to increase his household’s energy consumption. This gave him a total power output of 9.9 Kilowatt peak. Later, he decided to add the same amount of panels to achieve a total capacity of about 20 kWp.

Wojciechowski claims that in order to develop his product, Wojciechowski has established relationships with a factory that makes heating solutions and an unnamed foreign chemical firm.

According to the entrepreneur, “This has allowed us to access top-shelf specialists and a chemical lab that we wouldn’t be able to construct on our own.”

Wojciechowski stated that his company has been able to purchase a chemical agent which can be used for crypto mining hardware. The compound is safe for both electronic equipment and humans. It transmits heat to the heating system, which distributes it throughout Wojciechowski’s home.