They ask for the support of the Ministry of the Interior and denounce that they are victims of a “legal hunt”


The police unions JUPOL, SUP and CEP have criticized the decision of the Investigating Court 7 of Barcelona to prosecute 45 National Police officers for the charges of October 1, 2017 in various parts of the city, at the same time that they have claimed the support of the Ministry of the Interior and consider themselves victims of a “judicial manhunt”, especially when the convicted promoters of the illegal referendum have been pardoned by the Government.

This Wednesday it was known that the investigating judge concluded the investigation by prosecuting those agents and filing for another 20 police officers. And he summoned the accusations and the defenses to ask that the case go to trial or that it be shelved.

According to the judge, during 1-O there were “disproportionate” and “unnecessary” actions by the police, such as “punching, kicking or hitting with batons” in different schools and institutes where ballot boxes were placed.

JUPOL, the majority union, has demanded that the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, defend the 45 agents prosecuted for “doing their job” to prevent the referendum.

Through a statement they have demanded that Marlaska “once and for all” come out in defense of the national police officers and “stop siding with the seditious and criminals”, announcing the union that it will make available to these agents their legal services so that they can “defend themselves against a new attack.

And he has insisted on criticizing the decision of the PP government of Mariano Rajoy to send the policemen to Catalonia for 1-O and “leaving them abandoned in the face of the continuous attacks by the pro-independence radicals”, for which “many policemen were injured, some even having to be retired from the service”.

For its part, the Unified Police Union (SUP) has expressed its “outrage” and “astonishment” at the decision to prosecute 45 of the police officers who intervened in the riots that occurred during the illegal referendum in Catalonia.

SUP has countered that most of the political leaders of those events have been pardoned by the Government and now “a group of agents who traveled there with the order and duty to preserve democratic stability are being persecuted and prosecuted.”

In their statement, they have indicated that they also offer their legal services to the agents in a process that they consider “politicized”.

And the Spanish Police Confederation (CEP) has directly targeted the Catalan Generalitat and the Barcelona City Council, which at the beginning were -he explains- as private accusations.

The CEP has denounced “five years of judicial manhunt against 65 comrades” who simply committed the “sin” of “defending the Constitution, legality and all Spaniards during 1-O”.

The union has assured in a statement that “it is not surprising” that the Generalitat and the City Council pointed out to them, because the police have been “for years denouncing the independence plans, which go through eliminating” the presence of the Police in all of Catalonia.

And from politics, the spokesperson for the Interior of the PP in Congress, Ana Vázquez, has reproached the Pedro Sánchez government for prosecuting these agents and for Moncloa pardoning the pro-independence leaders of the ‘procés’ who were tried and sentenced by the Court Supreme.

“The policemen who defended the constitutional order prosecuted and those guilty of breaking the constitutional order, the coup plotters, pardoned by Sánchez. Everything backwards,” he said on Twitter.