More than 10,000 students from all over Andalusia have participated in “Brainstorming Ideas”, the contest of advertisements for SM Primary classrooms that has rewarded the most imaginative works of the community.

“In Almería, your soul laughs” has been the winning slogan of the Andalusia special prize, among more than four hundred advertisements that have demonstrated the talent and creativity of the students. Each class has jointly created a poster or video with an attractive slogan to promote their town, highlighting what makes it unique: traditions, music, culture, hidden places…

Andalusia, April 24, 2023.- “In Almería, your soul laughs” is the winning slogan of the advertising contest for Primary classrooms of SM Lluvia de ideas, which has received more than four hundred works that have demonstrated the talent and creativity of Andalusian students. The 6th A class of Primary from the Arcángel de Almería school thus becomes the most creative in the province, and receives the special Andalucía award for “the creativity and sympathy of the video, as well as for the foundation and work of both the content as well as the staging and editing”, according to the jury of the contest.

In addition to working on Language and curricular activities, teachers Diego and Indalecio of the 6th grade of Primary School at Arcángel de Almería like to do more fun activities in class, such as dramatized readings, poetry workshops, word games… the idea of ??the slogan arose from the latter: “Sometimes we work with hieroglyphics, palindromes and anagrams. Precisely the slogan “In Almería, your soul laughs” is an anagram with letters from our city, as seen in the video. The idea of ??the T-shirts with the letters of Almería arose later, and it was very easy among all of us to choose the words with which our city is identified”, they say.

The students of this educational center in Almería contributed their ideas, experiences and proposals, since in class they work and encourage cooperative work, which has facilitated the making of the video both when preparing it and during the recording, with which they have learned recording and editing techniques that they will use for the presentation of work in the classroom.

SM thus rewards the work of these students from Almería who, according to their teacher, “will keep a nice memory of the Brainstorming contest, and even more so seeing that their effort and work has been recognized.”

Provincial winners: videos with a lot of history and humor

SM set out to find the most creative class in all of Andalusia and it has succeeded. Each classroom has had to think like an advertising agency and brainstorm ideas, even the craziest!, to create a powerful ad to promote their town, highlighting what makes it unique: traditions, music, culture, places hidden… More than ten thousand Andalusian students have participated in this original initiative that has distributed 10,000 euros in prizes. Find out here all the provincial winners of the “Brainstorming” contest while you tour Andalusia.

“Come to Seville” is the motto of the winning announcement of the province of Seville made by the 5th grade of Primary School of the CEIP San Sebastián.

“No matter what you see. Stay with Beas”, is the slogan of the award-winning video of the 6th B classroom of the CEIP Juan Ramón Jiménez de Huelva.

“With a Gadita touch”, from the 4th year of Primary A-B-C-D, from the San Felipe Neri School, winner of the province of Cádiz, highlights the words from Cádiz, taking advantage of the celebration of the International Congress of the Spanish Language in Cádiz.

“This is Córdoba”, from 2nd B of Primary School of the Calasancio Madres Escolapias School, is the winning slogan of Córdoba with a set of adjectives associated with the province with each of the letters that make up this province.

“It will be for something” is the motto of a very special advertising agency formed by the students of 5th A of Primary School of CEIP Gerardo Fernández, winners from the province of Malaga.

“Love yourself in Granada” is the winning slogan of Granada, with a video made by the students of 1st B of Primary School of the Sacred Heart School.

“Long live Jaen!” It is the motto of the PEP 7 class of the 4th grade of the Guadalimar School, winners of Jaén.

In addition to creativity, these Andalusian boys and girls have worked on cooperative learning and caring for the environment, two of the axes of Revuela, SM’s new educational project designed for an active generation of teachers and students.

stir up your classroom

The “Brainstorming” contest is part of Revuela, the new educational project of Grupo SM. Revuela is committed to more competent learning, focusing on the diversity and inclusion of the student. All this against the backdrop of care and global citizenship.

It is a global project designed for all students to learn, develop their skills and transfer learning to their lives. It has a virtual learning environment that facilitates communication between students and teachers, which favors a more effective way of learning.

Communication SM Spain