He opposes the PP’s request to remove the Socialists, but supports the judge’s decision of a unified accusation


The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office has been in favor of the PSOE exercising popular prosecution in the so-called ‘Mediator case’, considering that so far there are no indications that the party is involved in the alleged plot led by former Socialist deputy Juan Bernarndo Fuentes Curbelo, alias ‘Tito Berni’.

Legal sources have confirmed to Europa Press that the Public Prosecutor’s Office has provided a document to the procedure in which it opposes the request of the PP -which also exercises the popular accusation in the case- to remove the PSOE. Specifically, the ‘populars’ alleged that the Socialists could not litigate in the case because one of their former deputies appears as the main person under investigation.

In its appeal for reform, to which Europa Press had access, the PP also warned that the PSOE could end up being civilly liable for profit. From the Prosecutor’s Office, however, they have stressed that there are no indications that the PSOE -as a party- had participation in the alleged corrupt plot, for which they have opposed the fact that it is prohibited from accusing in the procedure that is being investigated in the Court of Instruction Number 4 of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

The Public Prosecutor’s letter comes after the PP, PSOE, Vox, the Unified Association of Civil Guards (AUGC) and the Organization of Water Users and Consumers (Aguaiuris) asked the Provincial Court of Tenerife to correct the decision of Judge Ángeles Lorenzo-Cáceres to accept their appearance to exercise popular prosecution with the obligation to act as a single party to avoid “hypertrophy” that would generate undue delays in the investigations.

The three formations and the two associations asked the head of the Court to reconsider her initial decision and urged her to let them act separately considering that they do not have coincident interests in this case. The judge, however, was ratified, so the lawyers raised the matter to the Tenerife Court, which will have the last word.

The sources consulted have specified that the Public Ministry has also ruled on the request of the parties and associations to accuse alone. As they have indicated, Anti-Corruption has supported the instructor’s decision to agree to a unified accusation.

While the Audiencia de Tenerife resolves how the popular accusations will act, the head of the Court continues with the investigations. Recently, he has put the magnifying glass on the alleged “control” that the Canarian businessman Antonio Navarro Tacoronte -known as ‘the mediator’– had over the Nature Protection Service of the Civil Guard (SEPRONA), for which he has requested the colonel in charge of the Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Command to provide original documents or copies related to the inspections that said body carried out on various farms and cheese factories from 2019 to the present.

The instructor has ordered this diligence after verifying that “there are numerous” conversations in which Navarro Tacoronte “makes his interlocutors understand a certain control over the actions of the SEPRONA group and that they would directly affect different farmers, all in order to achieve the achievement of illicit benefits of an economic nature”.

According to the investigations, Navarro Tacoronte “would have used the figure of General Francisco Espinosa and other components of the Civil Guard for the alleged use of SEPRONA in order to influence those cattle farms of businessmen in the sector from which they wanted to obtain commissions and/or considerations of a different nature”.

In addition, the judge has issued an official letter to the agents of the Provincial Brigade of the Economic and Fiscal Crime Unit (UDEF) of the Police to collect “any other information and complementary documentation that they deem necessary to monitor the operations that are carried out.” become known and are of interest for the investigation”. And she has ordered -as requested by the Prosecutor’s Office- a series of proceedings to clarify other facts that until now remain under suspicion.