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Acquagraph Intensive Lipofat

Specialists say that cellulite is a chronic problem that is difficult to treat and that the best way to combat it is to combine good habits with specific treatments in the clinic and appropriate cosmetic products for home use.

Alcalá de Henares, April 12, 2023.- The first anti-cellulite on the market that contains patented cosmetic grade graphene, Acquagraph Intensive Lipofat

Graphene is increasingly implanted in numerous sectors and has already revolutionized the world of medicine and cosmetics due to its multiple applications. Several years of own research and in approved external centers have allowed us to conclude that this mineral is a powerful fat burner and an effective anti-cellulite thanks to its unique properties.

Unlike other anti-cellulite, Acquagraph Intensive Lipofat

This process, together with the firming and microcirculation activating action of anti-cellulite, offers numerous benefits. Lacasa points out that “orange peel is smoothed and the skin’s texture is redefined, as well as providing hydration, nutrition, firmness and tone that are important as contour and volume are lost”. In addition, by increasing microcirculation, the draining action of toxins and retained fluids typical of cellulite is promoted, as well as the elimination of fat released outside the adipocytes.

Effective product in different types of cellulite.

As explained by Dr. Montserrat Sabán Noguera, dermatologist and director of the MSaban dermatology dermatology clinic in Barcelona and who has extensive experience in the field of Clinical, Surgical and Aesthetic Dermatology, cellulite is a chronic problem that “is usually aesthetic, but that, in the case of being accompanied by poor circulation, it can be a problem for the person, since it can be limiting and painful”.

The most common type of cellulite, according to the doctor, is fibrous or compact, which “almost always appears in young women and not necessarily overweight.” It is a type of cellulite that “is not appreciated if the skin is not pinched” and “the contour, especially on the thighs and buttocks, is correct, it does not attract attention.” Another type of cellulite is soft, “very present in women between 40 and 50 years old, more difficult to treat and sometimes even painful because it creates a little inflammation” and, finally, there is edematous cellulite. “It is the most complicated. We can see it in very young people and it is due to a circulation disorder,” she adds.

Dr. Sabán indicates that her clinic has extensive experience in cabin treatment for patients with cellulite, such as lymph drainage, pressotherapy, radiofrequency, or EFATI technology for muscle toning and lipolytic action and insists that these treatments must be be accompanied by “adequate personal care, good eating habits, avoiding excessive alcoholic or carbonated beverages and practicing exercise proportional to the age and characteristics of each person”.

However, he adds that “not everyone has time to go to the clinic as often as desired, so a product like Acquagraph Intensive Lipofat

Dr. Sabán adds that they recommend the product to their patients because “we have observed optimal results in reducing contours and smoothing orange peel skin in patients who have used Acquagraph Intensive Lipofat

Acquagraph Intensive Lipofat

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