Feijóo supports the protest but believes that the parties should not “patrimonialize” it, but rather give civil society a leading role
The national PP will be represented this Saturday with several members of Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s team in the demonstration against the Government’s policies that have summoned more than a hundred associations in Madrid’s Plaza de Cibeles. Thus, the deputy secretary for Regional and Local Coordination, Pedro Rollán, the deputy secretary for Organization, Miguel Tellado, and the spokesperson for the PP in the European Parliament, Dolors Montserrat, will attend, according to sources from the training reported to Europa Press.
Rollán, Tellado and Montserrat are members of the PP steering committee chaired by Feijóo and which meets every Monday at the party headquarters to coordinate the party’s weekly strategy. More positions will be added to them, such as the Basque deputy and president of New Generations, Bea Fanjul.
The PP already announced at the beginning of the week that Feijóo would not go to this mobilization. Neither will the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, although she also supports the protest, according to sources from her team.
In statements to the media at the International Tourism Fair (FITUR), Feijóo stressed that the PP supports the demonstration for the Constitution, democracy and freedom organized by civil society this Saturday and added that all constitutional parties should be represented. Of course, he has warned that politicians should not “patrimonialize” this protest because “the protagonists are the conveners.”
The general coordinator of the PP, Elías Bendodo, already assured this Thursday that the Popular Party has invited “all its affiliates from all over Spain” to participate in that demonstration on Saturday called to protest against the policies of the Government of Pedro Sánchez.
“The PP has invited all its affiliates from all over Spain to participate in the demonstration on Saturday through the territorial directorates but we understand that it is a demonstration organized by civil society, of which it is the protagonist,” Bendodo told reporters. , to add: “Whoever wants to go, let them go, but the leading role belongs to Spanish civil society, who wants to speak out against the decisions that the President of the Government is making.”
More than a hundred associations and groups of civil society support this demonstration, a protest called so that it is the discontented citizens -and not the parties, which will be in the background- those who give a “massive civic and combative response “to the decisions of Pedro Sánchez, especially in judicial matters, as their promoters have explained to Europa Press.
Specifically, the organizers –Foro España Cívica and Fundación Foro Libertad y Alternativa– call to defend the Constitution, democracy and the institutions in the face of the “serious situation” of the “global crisis” in the political, economic and social spheres that, his judgment, crosses the country.
In addition to the organizers, behind this call are platforms such as Unión 78, Libres e Iguales, Neos, Convivencia Cívica Catalana, S’ha Acabat, Dignidad y Justicia, Diálogos en Libertad or the Association for Tolerance, among others. The protest on Saturday will be held under the slogan ‘For Spain, democracy and the Constitution