The general secretary of the PP of Madrid, Alfonso Serrano, has maintained this Wednesday that the second vice president of the Government, Yolanda Díaz, and Más Madrid are the “urban flowerpower” version of Podemos.
“There was a time in which everything that was to the right of the PSOE was facha. Now those distributors of Democratic cards are more to the left, and everything that is to the right of Podemos is facha. In such a way that, everything that goes beyond the fence of Villatinaja in Galapagar, is facha”, he pointed out during his speech at the Madrid Breakfasts, organized by Europa Press.
For the ‘number two’ of the regional PP, “it is so to such an extent” that he considers that, “soon,” there will be someone who says that “Yolanda Díaz serves the economic and factual powers of the heteropatriarchal and ecclesiastical oligarchy” when everyone knows that both Díaz and Más Madrid “are the same as Podemos”. He considers that they have “the same ideas as Podemos, the same totalitarian references as Podemos, only in an urban flowerpower version.”
Regarding the PSOE, he has asserted that the spokesman in the Assembly and candidate for the Presidency of the Community, Juan Lobato, “is worth being second” and despite starting the pre-campaign “calling himself Wolverine, seeing the permanent landing of ministers in the Community could well use the name ‘Saving Private Ryan'”.
“I recognize a slight interest in knowing if Yolanda Díaz will support the candidate of her party or, on the contrary, she will turn her back and rally with the candidate of Más Madrid. I do not know if it is Game of Thrones or a series of sleepless youth loving”, has launched.
In short, he has asserted that “any left-wing force does not matter”, since “they are just as harmful.” “They fight, but they need each other, and if they can unite to overthrow the Ayuso government or to prevent a ‘popular’ candidate from reaching the mayoralty, they will do it. They will do whatever it takes because when the left sees that it does not reach power or sees risk of losing it, he is capable of anything”, he warned.
He has also had words for Vox, of whom he has said that he has the “maximum respect” and also for his voters, but acknowledges that he does not fully understand “his union with the left in recent months.”
“Nor how some of its leaders dedicate more efforts to attacking Feijóo, Isabel Díaz Ayuso or the candidates and mayors of the Popular Party than confronting a left that is leading the country to ruin,” he added.