They also propose a public awareness campaign to promote responsible consumption of clothing.


Sumar has registered a non-legal proposal in Congress with which it calls on the Government to meet with the main Spanish multinational companies in the textile sector (Inditex, Mango, Tendam, Adolfo Domínguez, etc.) to solve the problem of so-called fast fashion. or ‘ultra fast fashion’, which consists of the mass production and consumption of clothing that increases at the same speed at which trends change.

In the text, recorded by the En Comú Podem deputy integrated into Sumar Júlia Boada, the group denounces that the production and consumption of textile products have an “enormous impact” on the climate, water and energy consumption. Specifically, Sumar argues that the consumption of clothing and footwear is expected to increase by 63% between now and 2030, going from the current 62 million tons to 102 million in 2030.

Sumar also denounces that in Spain only 12% of textile waste was collected selectively in 2019, “well below” the European average, which stands at 38%, according to the Moda Re report “Analysis of the selective collection of the clothes used in Spain”.

In the opinion of Yolanda Díaz’s party, these and other data show “that too much clothing is produced” and that there are no adequate infrastructures, mechanisms or processes to give a second life to clothing or to proceed with the proper disposal of textiles.

With all this, Sumar requests a meeting with Spanish multinational companies dedicated to the design, manufacture and marketing of clothing to design corporate responsibility strategies that, “without compromising their viability or benefits”, contribute to solving the problem of the so-called fast fashion or ‘ultra fast fashion’.

They also propose to promote a campaign from the Government to raise awareness among citizens of the need to make responsible consumption of clothing.

At another point, the training calls for establishing circular design criteria in the manufacturing of clothing, ensuring that products are circular and sustainable, as well as more durable, resistant and recycled, by creating minimum performance and information requirements, such as as will be included in the Regulation on ecological design for sustainable products of the European Union.

But they also demand measures that facilitate a wide deployment of the reuse and repair sector in the textile and fashion field, as well as studying concrete measures to put an end to the destruction of unsold products, including garments that have been returned to sales establishments. , in order to give them a “useful and appropriate” use.

In addition to all this, the plurinational group suggests developing, in coordination with the NGOs that have worked on this issue and with the autonomous communities, a National Program for control and monitoring of the life cycle of textile products. With this they want a control system that allows reducing the risks for citizens and the environment, derived from the production of textile products throughout their life cycle.

Finally, Sumar urges the Government to promote the necessary measures regarding the labeling of textile products in the fashion field in order to provide adequate information for their recycling and respect for the environment, contemplating the complete life cycle of the product. product.