This idea appears in the basic proposal document and alludes to the fact that some calculations point to an amount of 20,000 euros
Sumar includes among its first programmatic ideas the possibility of deploying a ‘universal inheritance’, an economic amount that would be paid to young people when they reach the age of majority (18 years old), financed by tax on large estates or income.
And by way of example, he suggests that there are studies that suggest that an amount to take into account would be about 20,000 euros, with a view to correcting inequalities early.
Among the conclusion documents of the 35 sectoral groups of the platform promoted by Díaz, and in the section on Welfare and Social Rights, it is pointed out that it would be interesting to “debate” and “explore” this wealth redistribution policy measure, inspired by the economic theories of Thomas Piketty or Tony Atkinson and that it would have a positive impact.
Precisely this Thursday the platform has opened a new phase in which it opens the definition of the programmatic policies of its country project to the citizens, who will be able to contribute and vote on measures by registering on the website of the citizen movement.
“Primary inequality of income and wealth is comparatively very high in our country, so that the work that the welfare state must do with its redistributive policies would be easier if we reduced it at the source,” reflects the document.
In this sense, he argues that there are proposals that are not limited to the proposal of a universal basic income, as have been proposed by groups such as Podemos, and stresses that a “universal heritage” would be a factor that would generate equalization of opportunities and combat inequalities in origin . For example, he alludes to the fact that this money could be used to correct housing access problems.
“According to some calculations, a universal inheritance of about 20,000 euros to be received universally when reaching the age of majority could be financed with a wealth or inheritance tax of less than 10% and that would leave the habitual residence and wealth exempt up to one million euros. “, deepens Sumar’s proposal document.
While alluding to the need to deepen a “graduated” guarantee system, which offers protection to households in the most difficult situation but also covers other forms of precariousness.
Thus, among Sumar’s basic programmatic framework, benefits “compatible” with employment are included and that would be linked to the completion of the regulation of the Minimum Vital Income, in regard to the compatibility of this aid with salary income.
In tax matters, the contributions received by Sumar include increasing the number of general income brackets in order to improve the progressivity of the tax. Specifically, it alludes to disaggregating the current tranche between 60,000 and 299,999 euros into several tranches with the aim of applying different and increasing rates. It also aspires to make the extraordinary tax on large fortunes permanent.
In turn, it advocates recovering “the collection capacity of the inheritance and gift tax throughout Spain” while in corporate tax, in line with what United Podemos defended in Congress, it claims to introduce a minimum effective rate of 15% on the profits of the companies. And it even slides that large companies should contribute a minimum rate of 25% in this tax.