“The Government hands over all the resources of the Rule of Law to Bildu and ERC, who are the ones who unfortunately run this country,” he says
The deputy secretary of organization of the PP, Miguel Tellado, has criticized the incompetence and arrogance of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and has reminded him that “not everything is valid to continue in the Government”, in the framework of the demonstration that is being held this Saturday in Madrid.
This has been stressed by the PP’s deputy secretary of organization in statements to journalists, in which he has emphasized that Sánchez “is not entitled” to put all the resources of the State at the service of a party’s strategy.
“This is an incompetent government. Its incompetence and arrogance are allowing sexual offenders to be released from prison prematurely and it is allowing more than 200 to have their sentences reduced,” Tellado said, referring to the “only if it is” law. Yeah’.
This Saturday a demonstration is being held in Madrid under the slogan ‘For Spain, democracy and the Constitution’, organized by Foro España Cívica and Fundación Foro Libertad y Alternativa, with which they call to defend the Constitution, democracy and institutions against the “serious situation” of “global crisis” in the political, economic and social spheres that, in his opinion, the country is going through.
“Today civil society is mobilized to tell Pedro Sánchez that it does not agree with his drift and the drift of his government to put State institutions at the service of those who do not believe in the State. That drift of attending to all and each one of the demands of extreme left populism that supports this government, and in the independentistas, who do not believe in Spain, are what dominate and direct the government of our country”, he highlighted.
The deputy secretary of Organization of the PP has indicated that it has been verified over the last few weeks that “the Government hands over all the resources of the Rule of Law to Bildu and Esquerra Republicana, who are the ones who unfortunately run this country.”
“We have verified how the president exchanged support for the General State Budgets (PGE) in exchange for prison benefits in favor of the independentistas. We have verified how the Government of Spain threw the Civil Guard off the roads of Navarra because Bildu requested it to continue supporting the presidency of Pedro Sánchez. We have verified how he has been willing to modify the penal code to eliminate the crime of sedition to benefit those politicians who have been convicted of the Catalan process”, he recalled.
In addition, he has criticized that “the president’s hand has not trembled when it comes to making embezzlement crimes cheaper to benefit precisely those who had embezzled to threaten the integrity of our country.”
“I believe that Pedro Sánchez has come to the Government of Spain through lies and Pedro Sánchez will leave when the citizens decide, but also because he has lied to everyone all the time. This is a government based on a big lie” , has pointed out.
On the other hand, Tellado has stressed that he would like the Socialists to be in the demonstration too, but that his party “would never let them”, and has recalled the example of the former president of the Community of Madrid, Joaquín Leguina, recently expelled from the PSOE .
When asked about the controversy over the breach of the voluntary interruption of pregnancy law, Tellado pointed out that the president of the Junta de Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, “has already said everything he had to say” and that ” It is a sterile polemic that mainly interests the PSOE”.
“With this controversy, which leads nowhere, they have tried to cover up everything the government has done with the ‘only yes is yes’ law,” he stressed.