the return of Migrants to their countries of origin, is one of the hottest topics in the migrationsdebatten. In spite of the lack of the research in this area. Thus, there are large knowledge gaps to fill in, if the debate is to be conducted on an informed basis. Today, the Delegation of the migrationsstudier (Delmi), a report on the implementation of this part of the return policy, which applies to asylum seekers who are not deemed to be in need of protection. It provides new insights and poses important questions for both the politicians who are decision-makers in the field.
There are several reasons to analyze the return of asylum seekers whose applications have been refused. One of these is that the policy is aimed at maintaining the grounds of the right of asylum, that is to say, that the people should have their asylum application examined in the legally secure form. Asylum system’s legitimacy is challenged, however, by that significantly less than half the return of its own accord after a avslagsbesked. Obviously, civil servants and others in the field, the major difficulties in implementing the return policy. It is also a matter of creating favourable conditions for the asylum seekers ‘ welfare and well-being, and also those who need to return home.
with the departure of the decisions on refusal of an application for a residence permit. The people who do not have the right to remain in Sweden, are expected to leave the country. The policy aim is that this should be done as quickly and as cost-effectively as possible, in a humane and legally secure form.
Many of those who have been given a återvändandebesked, however, is reluctant to co-operate fully with the authorities. Some differ in the duration of the re-establishment process. This contributes to the increasing number of asylum-seekers whose applications have been refused are living in illegal and often miserable conditions in the Swedish everyday life.
in Both the implementation of the decisions, and they are trying to get to Sweden with the hope of being allowed to stay, need to know what happens next.
the Policy thus bears the inherent conflict where the government’s ambition to drive the policy decisions, if made by the will to remain in Sweden, are among those who have been rejected. This is a well-known, and it is difficult to overcome fully. It does, however, need not stand in the way of attempts to bring about improvements. Here is a better implementation of the policy decisions that have been made to reduce various kinds of negative effects.
as a Politician of a different partifärg has been given to the authorities in strengthening the mission of providing greater power. In the year 2016, made on the former minister of interior, Anders Ygeman, the assessment that about 80 000 asylum seekers with a decision of, or to be deported from Sweden in the next couple of years. The work of verkställigheter should be a priority.
the report also shows, however, that the issue has not been considered as part of the core business of both of the managing authorities, the Swedish migration board and the Police department. The status of the work in the field of return is not in proportion to the importance of directions and other regulatory documents. The statistics of the return policy, as well as our survey shows, in addition to existing policy instruments – regulatory, information and economic policy instruments appear to be sufficient to deal with the issue.
this is An important result of the study is that the implementation is made more difficult by the fact that two government agencies, the Swedish migration board and the Police force, elements in the verkställighetsansvaret. On the basis of the system, and the principles of case management, as well as the secrecy goes, important information is lost, which makes the staff’s job.
and unreliable due to the different procedures in data collection, different accounting methods and different ways of categorizing. Policy makers may therefore find it difficult to follow-up and evaluation of the impact of the reforms and initiatives in this area. The study also points out that the authorities are actively working to improve and innovate working methods and techniques, but all of the implementeringsproblem may not be for the sole purpose of government.
It is clear from the report that the aim of executing the decision on return as often, seemingly, have to take a back seat to other, apparently more pressing, goals.
This brings us to another important reason for this lack of implementation, namely, policy-making, to a large extent deals with trade-offs. This is not unique to this area. However, it is particularly difficult to combine efficiency with a sense of humanity, and the rule of law. In addition, consideration must also be given to the level of ambition in other policy areas, in which access to the labour market. In addition, the change from time to time, the balance between different desirable objectives. It is clear from the report that the aim of executing the decision on return as often, seemingly, have to take a back seat to other, apparently more pressing, goals.
A key question relates to the ability to rely on the verkställighetshinder in respect of new facts which have not previously been examined in the asylum procedure. This is one of the ways to address the need for the rule of law in the asylum procedure. Regularisation, to have the chance to review for reasons other than the protection requirements, such as, for example, Gymnasielagen in 2018, is an opportunity that has arisen, inter alia, as a response to the group of illegal migrants is growing in scope, and the lives of the hidden.
this tends to be a sense of humanity vis-à-vis an infringement of the group, who are living under difficult conditions. At the same time, they provide an incentive to live in irreguljärt in the country, on the proposal for a new regularisation, or that it made the asylum decision under the statute. Spårbytesmöjligheten offers you an extraordinary chance to get a stop and are in line with the objectives of the policy in relation to the establishment of the labour market. The signal from the state that it should work, and you get a second chance to create an air of expectation to be allowed to stay.
the Support of myndighetsledning, and policy-makers should, therefore, have to be stronger, in order to promote consistency in the application of the law of the time, regardless of the occasional opinionsvindar.
in Addition to this, there is a big problem, which is all about the implementeringens the conditions of this policy. As återvändandefrågorna is politically sensitive, occurring at regular intervals, the strong opinions in opposite directions. Officers and staff on the ground has to be a careful balancing act. Sometimes it seems to be portrayed in their work, which is an inhuman task, when they perceive that they are deported, against the wishes of the uncertain states. At other times, it’s an inefficient business where the responsible authorities and the staff did not manage to carry out their duties. The support from the myndighetsledning, and policy-makers should, therefore, have to be stronger, in order to promote consistency in the application of the law of the time, regardless of the occasional opinionsvindar.
also , for both the implementers and asylum seekers who have received avslagsbesked. The hollowing out of the turn, the legitimacy of the scheme. In a number of policy documents and bills are said to återvändandefrågorna be a major priority, but the rules don’t always be that way, and neither the politicians or the myndighetsledningar to provide adequate resources or support. The regulatory framework therefore needs to be very clear. Both the implementation of the decisions, and they are trying to get to Sweden with the hope of being allowed to stay, need to know what happens next.
in Order to understand what is the return policy, we also need to get a few more voices and perspectives than that of the staff on the ground. The next step is to Delmi is to take some of the återvändarnas experience through a series of interviews on the ground in some of the most important countries of origin: Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. This is an important piece of the puzzle, if you want to get to a sustainable system.
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