The judge opposes the filing of the case requested by the State attorney


The Investigating Court number 24 of Madrid has summoned the Government delegate in Madrid, Mercedes González, for next February 10, to testify for the alleged commission of a crime of prevarication within the framework of a complaint filed by the Association for Reconciliation and Historical Truth.

This is stated in a car, to which Europa Press had access, in which the judge calls the delegate to testify that day at eleven in the morning after the scheduled appearance last Friday was suspended.

In this same resolution, the Court opposes the request of the State Attorney to file the case, an end on which it will rule once the defendant makes a statement.

The complaint against the delegate was filed because last July Mercedes González authorized the concentration of a memorialist group in front of the Congress of Deputies the day the Historical Memory Law was approved when she had relocated a day before a demonstration of the Association for Reconciliation and Historical Truth.

The complainants denounce that “depending on the political sign of the convening association, a differentiation is produced, without any legal basis, which supposes an illegitimate limitation of the right of assembly.”

In the summons, the judge states that the facts denounced “lead to presume the possible existence of a crime of administrative prevarication, the investigation of which corresponds to this judicial body, according to articles 14.2 and 15 of the Criminal Procedure Law.”

On July 13, as planned, “the convening association attended, in the legitimate exercise of its right of assembly, together with summoned citizens, they attended the concentration, which was to take place in front of the Congress of Deputies, as it is a place of special visibility and, ultimately, for being the place where it had been agreed to hold the rally”.

Despite this, according to the complaint, at the time the concentration was held, the State Security Forces and Bodies informed the President of the complainant Association that it should be held below, specifically a few meters below the Congress, at the confluence of Duque de Medinaceli and Marqués de Cubas streets”.

“On July 14, that is, one day after the rally called by the complainant association, the government delegation became aware of another rally of an association that defended the new Law of Democratic Memory and which was held, without any limitations. nor restriction, in the pedestrian zone of the Cortes, just in front of the Congress of Deputies (place, it should be remembered, where the one of the complainant Association should have been held, “explains the text.