Rodríguez is committed to investing more and stresses that the transfer of healthcare is a “collective success”
The minister spokesperson for the Government, Isabel Rodríguez, has attacked this Monday against the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, for blaming the central Executive for the situation of public health after the demonstrations on Sunday in cities like Madrid. Thus, she has reminded him that it is a competence transferred to the Autonomous Communities.
“It did not cease to surprise me that the leader of the main opposition party, who has managed public health in Galicia, where health professionals were also mobilized yesterday, comes to hold the Government of Spain responsible for this situation,” he has made ugly in statements to Telecinco, collected by Europa Press.
And he has defended that the Government of PSOE and Unidas Podemos is turning around “an entire era of cuts” in health from when Mariano Rajoy governed. “We were told that we were living beyond our means, that we had many hospitals and health centers. That was the PP’s way of governing 10 years ago,” he criticized.
Rodríguez has stressed that the transfer of health care to the communities is a “collective success” for the country and that the Government is focused on “reinforcing” the capacities of the autonomies.
“Of course we are sensitive and we want to shield and care for public health, and knowing that it is a regional competition, we are giving them the maximum resources,” he defended.
In addition, he has expressed that the Government is making “important changes”, such as offering more places for medical students in universities so that more personnel are available, especially for primary care, or “making health retirements more flexible”.
Rodríguez, who has indicated that the PSOE defends a different model from that of the PP, has asked Feijóo if he considers, “as Rajoy said”, that in healthcare the Spaniards live above their means “or, on the contrary, he believes that there is to invest more” and “not to insult the toilets, but to reinforce their working conditions”.